Hahaha, oh, thank you hugely for that wonderful piece of hilarity at the end... picturing their faces has put me in a wonderful mood ^^ Awesome chapter as always, this is fast becoming one of my most favourite of fanfics, I'm always checking to see if you've updated and read each chapter multiple times because truly, they are just that good and I'm just that addicted ^^ Hehehe, sorry, I still cant get over how funny that last part was ^^ - you're doing such a good job, I hope you continue soon ^^ Have fun xo
Title: New Orleans, part II
| 05 Mar 2011 5:55 am
Reviewer: swetz (Signed)
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*Fuck, there's no more!* Written on my face >.
That was so awesomeness ^^ I'm really looking forward to reading part two of this little trip, I just love the way you write and the incredibly original ideas you have, this story is so brilliant for it - I couldn't resist reading this first part when I should have been working on my assignment but I think now I'll actually do some work and save part two for later ^^ Hope to read much more very soon... because I'm greedy like that ^^ xo
Title: New Orleans, part II
| 01 Mar 2011 3:47 pm
Reviewer: clumsychord (Anonymous)
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This is a really wonderful story. I had a few chapters to catch up on, so over the last couple of days I've been reading back from the beginning, and I really like the progression you've made both in the relationship between Harry and Snape, and also the progression Harry's made, from the boy he was to begin with, to where he's at now.
Anyway, I look forward to reading more, whenever you get more posted.
Title: New Orleans, part II
| 01 Mar 2011 8:45 am
Reviewer: Lasseg (Signed)
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*chokes laughing* Oh, this is TOO good. Please, please update soon!
Awesome story! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
I love the way Harry speaks. He sounds just like any other ordinary, real life sixteen year old boy in both thoughts and words. He's quite witty as well.
The sex shop was a very nice addition to the story, simply because it allows Harry to have one of the many experiences that comes with being young. Very true to life.
I don't know what to think of this Steve fellow. What are his intentions? ;)
Great chapter!
Lmao I knew Snape was going to walk in. I wonder what he is going to think about Harry going to a sex shop. Really love this story. Very original. Can't wait for your up date.
Title: Chapter 13
| 08 Feb 2011 12:17 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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lol New Orleans hah? Nice I wonder how it will be *S*