Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For This is Halloween
Title: 1982 31 Jul 2023 2:34 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    How is it I could have missed this gem?
    Beautifully done, I love the way you captured things through Voldemort’s eyes.
Title: 1982 26 May 2011 1:32 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade sydneylover150 (Signed) [Report This]
    I love it! (No James!!) Lily and Sev's conversation on October 31, 1979 was very realistic. I wonder if Sev in your story knew that James was keeping Lily away from him? Who is the actual owner of the eldar wand since it is implied Snape killed Dumbles?What is Harry like as he gets older? Does Lily try to influence him towards the light? Or is she too entrenched in Sev's life on the dark side?

    Great story! I loved it!

    Author's Response: Thank you ^^

    Severus is the actual owner of the Eldar wand but Voldemort, as we see from the books, has no real interest in the Hallows; he only wanted the Elder wand as a weapon to defeat Harry's wand (and, knowing Voldemort's thought processes, if his yew wand hadn't been the brother of Harry's, he'd have considered it infinately superior to the Elder wand because the yew wand chose him!) Also, in this story, Severus is amuch more effective weapon than the Elder wand and, with a choice between killing Severus (Voldermort was incapable of considering 'defeating' and 'killing' to be anything other than synonymous) and breaking the Elder wand, he chose to destroy the wand.

    I think Lily would have tried to influence Harry to be compassionate, honourable and thoughtful but, other than that, I don't see her risking her family by plotting revolution. Voldemort in this story has never died and, thus, is a lot more mentally stable than his resurrected self was in the canon. As a result, he is an effective leader, ruthless but intelligent enough to knows how to find the balance between fear and worship.Thus, life is bearable for the majority, which, in short, means that they are not desperate enough to risk life and limb to overthrow Voldemort. I thought it'd be a suitably spooky Halloween story! 
Title: 1982 22 Feb 2011 3:45 pm
Reviewer: Lia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    It's awesome - the premise, the treatment and the climax .... like a car crash .......

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ Yes, I think that's a very good metaphor for this story, it's like a slow-motion crash (it was great fun to write though!)

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