Title: Sick Day (Age 5)
| 10 May 2011 9:11 pm
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous)
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Awww, I love Severus' lullaby to Harry! It was so cute!
Title: Never Ever!
| 10 May 2011 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you a lovely chapter I love the way Severus handles Harry
What delightful lyrics to 'Hush Little Baby', which I would guess to be PD (in the Public Domain, or beyond copyright, and therefore free). Charming!
Title: Sleep
| 26 Feb 2011 12:11 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely little piece its amazing how children get to their parents in the dark when they need them, mine always did and never tripped over anything its like a little homing pigeon. Thank you
Author's Response: Hah! That's a really cute description.
Awww, that was really sweet. Update soon.
Wow! Fluffy! Just the way I like it. Hmm. I was wondering if you could jump forward to Harry's first year. I'm more interested in how he turned out. Perhaps the troll incident?
Title: Not Long After "Freaks Aren't Allowed"
| 20 Feb 2011 12:32 am
Reviewer: JulyhaLuna (Signed)
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oooohhh please continue... Totally love this fanfic.. :))
Very good chapter, I liked it a lot.
Title: Not Long After "Freaks Aren't Allowed"
| 12 Feb 2011 8:49 pm
Reviewer: Shh (Anonymous)
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LOVE THEM ALL - how about some more adventures of Harry the bear cub - maybe he has a mini-adventure in the Forbidden Forest? Or having Harry "bear-talk" with Captain and Snape overhearing and asking about it? Thanks for sharing the great stories!
Author's Response: Have no fear! I'm not done, I'm just extremely sidetracked by RL (real life). lol
You have a fantastic gift of the written word!
Author's Response: Awww. Thank you. *blushes and ducks head shyly*