Everything about this is delicious. So good to read it again.
Title: Nuremberg Lebkuchen
| 27 Jul 2014 7:11 am
Reviewer: Lara (Anonymous)
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Ooh this was very pleasant to read :D and I appreciate how easy it is to follow in my semi hungover state :) who cares if it isn't Christmas right now,it soon will be! :P really enjoyed this :)
Title: Nuremberg Lebkuchen
| 06 Apr 2014 12:20 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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oh, i liked this!
Author's Response: Thank you :)
Aw!! So what will be the time period for the third story?
I love this one, the conversation between Gellert and Albus is wonderful. The conversations between Harry and Sev are as well. It makes me wonder why Lily was so stubborn to not fight for Sev and her friendship. (I'll admit being somewhat angry at her for that) Will Harry ever discover it was Lily who Sev delivered the cookies with?
Author's Response: Thanks; I'm glad you enjoyed the conversations- writing dialogue is great fun but some conversations are so difficult to get right and I must admit I found quite a few in this story challenging. I've also been angry with Lily for not fighting for Severus but she was immature and somewhat sheltered (which doesn't make me forgive her for marrying Severus' tormentor but goes some way towards understanding why she ended the friendship)
P.S. The third story- which I'm working on now- will be set several years later.
lol very sweat! I lved how you wrote that.
Author's Response: Thanks :)
Title: Nuremberg Lebkuchen
| 25 Dec 2010 5:23 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Oops! Forgot to ask about the paper phoenixes/cranes-- If the spell called for 1000 cranes, and he'd just finished the 903rd phoenix, with 97 to go, I got confused with the statement that he'd already made more than 34 million and in a couple of years, he'd have enough. Is this a resurrection spell? Is that why he's using phoenixes instead of cranes and doing millions instead of the usual thousand? Hate to say it, but I was a tad lost in that scene... Otherwise, loved the imagery of the animated paper phoenixes!
Author's Response: '1000 paper cranes' is actually a real-life spell used in Japan. It stems from the ancient legend that anyone who folds 1000 origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane (which is considered a holy creature). Therefore, couples often receive 1000 paper cranes as a wedding gift(for 1000 years of happiness and prosperty), and, on the other extreme, it is said that the 1000 paper cranes can carry a message to a dead person. The latter ritual is what Gellert Grindelwald is doing; he is folding 1000 paper phoenixes for every single person he killed, either on purpose or by mistake, driectly or indirectly, during his reign of terror. At the moment we cut into that scene, he's made 903 phoenixes for the young woman he accidentally hit with a killing curse; he's trying to apologise and, with only his natural magic and paper, this is the best that he can do. So, while he has created millions thus far, he is still 97 short of 1000 for that particular victim. As to why Gellert is using phoenixes, they are 1. equally magical and holy birds and 2. associated with Albus (who Gellert still loves, and, thereby, is his only assurance that he, Gellert, is a human rather than a monster).
Title: Nuremberg Lebkuchen
| 25 Dec 2010 5:06 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Oh, boy! So much variety of action in this chapter! Loved the shock of seeing Severus in an apron (& that he had the good sense to pull his hair back!), and Harry's pronouncement, "This is not good." Hee! // Fascinating encounter between Albus & Gellert!!! Loved the fact that you didn't rush it, but let it play out in detail. // How terrific that Harry got to make candies for the teachers, and that Snape not only helped get them properly delivered, but he also shared his own handmade treats with Harry! Some of Lily's old magic must be in the Yuletide air! Wonderful story overall!
Author's Response: Thanks: I was worried that the Albus/Gellert scene was rather drawn out but, at the same time, I wanted to capture the awkwardness of the meeting; although Gellert and Albus are ancient, intelligent and exceptionally powerful mages, when they're trying to open up and discuss their feelings, they're as shy as when they were eighteen year old boys! I'm really glad, therefore, that you liked the detail of the scene ^^ As with many of my stories, the veil is rather thin and Lily was definately watching over Harry and Severus, easing the way towards a truce. Thanks for the review ^^