Omg! What the heck did Dumbles do just there. Yikes, poor Harry. How much pain can the poor boy take?
Please update soon, the suspense is killing me. Good chappie of course.
Title: The Unexpected
| 08 Mar 2011 5:36 am
Reviewer: RavenSinclaire (Anonymous)
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Great chapter. Interesting to see the effect of the potion. And thad that bit at the end... was it the horcrux or just the link with Voldie? Hmmmm can't wait till the next chapter.
Title: The Unexpected
| 08 Mar 2011 12:17 am
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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*snorts* High with....very clever end note. Kudos and looking forward to the next chapter.
Holy Moley! This was an amazing chapter!
The discussion that led to the articulation of just what was "the power that he knows not" was very well written. I felt as if I was discovering the information along with Severus and Harry, instead of having large anvils dropped on my head that shouted "This is an important thing for what happens to the plot next". Very nicely revealed!
Now I'm wondering if Voldy was experiencing pain from Harry's scars healing.
Well done! I am very much looking forward to the next chapter.
Dang it! What was that? Tell us, please!!! GAH! The suspense will KILL me!
I WANT TO KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome chapter!!!!!! Even if it was short. I can t wait to find out whats going on with Harry's scar!!!
Fabulous story. I just read the entire thing in one day, despite my need to study for thermodynamics. I read the first chapter and was hooked. The dynamic between Harry and Severus is excellently portrayed. They obviously care for each other but aren't very good at expressing, yet they understand each other bc they both have that problem. I can't wait for the next chapter! Well done!
I wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying this story and watching Harry and Severus' relationship grow. Thank you for writing.
As for this chapter...oh, ye gods! I hope that you post soon and that Harry makes it through the world of pain he's currently in.
Title: Treatment
| 06 Mar 2011 5:04 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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Wow, I caught up with you already! I've not been able to stop reading since I stumbled across your story!