Aw , it's too bad that it couldn't be Snape, Harry's guardian. He is taking such good care of Harry, but I guess that anyone is better than the Dursleys.
Great chappie as usual!
Snape had a turtle dream as well. *giggles* well done. I can't wait for you to update!
Title: Dream Symbols
| 11 Feb 2011 1:34 am
Reviewer: dottylizard (Anonymous)
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Careful there Harry! With all the references to water in their discussion already, 'Turtle' implies the creature that lives all its life in the sea; while tortoise as it was described in the dream is a land animal and pretty much useless in water. So which is it? At least they haven't started on terrapins which are fresh water creatures....
Title: Dream Symbols
| 10 Feb 2011 6:17 pm
Reviewer: Aeri21 (Anonymous)
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Haha. I liked the ending. Great job!
Title: Dream Symbols
| 10 Feb 2011 5:28 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Oh-oh... Snape is sighing again... Personally, I love turtles! A bit impractical for an Animagus form, but aside from representing wisdom, long life, and protection (or a need to hide), I'm really interested in finding out how Snape interprets Harry's turtle dream & the fact that Harry himself was the turtle! *eagerly awaits update...* :-)
Title: Passion & Suffering
| 10 Feb 2011 5:03 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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HAHAHAHAHA!!! "Have you even FELT passionate...?" That is HYSTERICAL!!! XD // Well, now that they have experimented with vomiting, Snape is going to have to lay off the ladies for the foreseeable future! *dies LAUGHING* XD
You had to leave it there? Gah! Ah well...kudos on a well written chapter.
Title: Professor McGonagall
| 10 Feb 2011 3:49 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Buttons!!! *giggles and snorts* I love it! // Also, some good, no-nonsense info about Animagus transformation-- excellent exposition! :-)
Title: Waiting
| 10 Feb 2011 3:27 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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The IMAGE! McGonagall FLOOING in a black negligee! Even tho' it DIDN'T happen, the fact that Harry might CONSIDER it... LOL!!! // "Waiting" is an extremely apt title for this chapter-- when the time just DOESN'T pass... You've done an excellent job of conveying how LONG a day can be, no matter how one tries to keep busy! // And the concept that Harry can also experience the Cruciatus in full-body form and not just through his scar-- WOW! I can't wait to see where you take this story next! :-)