Title: London
| 10 Feb 2011 3:10 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Hmm... It's INTRIGUING! The black lacy thingie doesn't really sound like McGonagall's style, nor does it really seem like Molly Weasley's. Tonks, perhaps? Someone else on holiday in the Order's hideaway? But I loved the scene! And the 3-ft-away swan! And Harry's surprise at Snape's adeptness at traveling through Muggle London. I mean, he IS a spy extraordinaire, & he couldn't last long if he simply bumbled about, right?! It's refreshing to see a writer give Snape the credit he deserves instead of the usual "doesn't know anything about Muggle life" approach-- WELL done!
Great chapter. What Severus has to say about turtles and Harry's dream should be very interesting.
Ok... what exactly IS the symbology of being the turtle? And why is Snape so shocked about it?
Title: Dream Symbols
| 10 Feb 2011 2:06 am
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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I loved it!! I love the whole dream sequence and the symbols you have used and I am really really looking forward to know what the turtle means!
Title: Passion & Suffering
| 09 Feb 2011 4:07 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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ver symbolic Severus' white throat ready for the bite! Thank you for updating
Title: Passion & Suffering
| 07 Feb 2011 3:18 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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*snickers softly* Laughing to tears? Goodness. Kudos on a wonderfully descriptive story.
Title: Passion & Suffering
| 06 Feb 2011 4:38 pm
Reviewer: Nazgurl (Anonymous)
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Cute story. Oddly calming, and very funny at times.
Oh that was funny.
I'm curious to know more about the connection between Harry and Snape.
I hope that Harry's hand can be fixed.
Great chappie. Can't wait for more.
I LOVE their relationship :-) Such a fun read!
Good chapter. Harry seemed less eloquent than usual (not that I would normally call him eloquent anyway, but i think you know what I mean) and that was pretty funny to me, especially when he went off on his tangent about animagi.