That is a really good idea to keep the four friends together to avoid all the (presumably traceable) owls between them.
Title: Hats, Crackers and Presents
| 02 Oct 2022 5:55 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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Lovely birthday celebration. I enjoyed your description of wizarding crackers.
Did Uncle Vernon run him over? I hope the Weasleys will be ok.
Great chapter. Looking forward to being reminded of how this all happened.
I read this long ago, but am back now to leave some reviews. I’m looking forward to reading this again. What an action-packed opening chapter!
Title: How it All Played Out
| 27 May 2021 10:04 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed)
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Truly a great story! Wonderful job
Title: The Unexpected
| 27 May 2021 8:12 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed)
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Albus did something dark didn't he, something that the potion was about to reverse but Dumbledore fought it or something didn't he -- manipulative arse
Oh my gosh! If the potion can get rid of the horcrux..... possibilities!
Title: St Mungo's
| 27 May 2021 5:11 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed)
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I apologize if I've read this and reviewed already... had a thought about Harry's empathy... isn't it possible that he could share his emotions with snape like he's been feeling snapes? So like when snape is being tortured, harry could occlude for both of them... then again, snape already knows how
I love the Beatles! Especially Let It Be 😍 am a bit weirded out with all the Ginny stuff tbh. Even jk admitted she didn't really plan them to be together for most of the series and I just never got the feeling that harry would be happy with her. Though of course I'm not telling you how to write your story