Title: The Elephant in the Room
| 26 May 2021 9:21 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed)
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Oh yeah you'll Just give him severus like we're talking about a pair of socks
Harry must be a psychologists wet dream lol wanting to go back into his mommy's womb, poor thing. Ridiculously interesting though; I mean even snape was intrigued
Title: Childhood Friends
| 05 Mar 2020 8:45 pm
Reviewer: ARim (Signed)
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Love the description of Quidditch locker room -aroma - made me chuckle. This is such a well-written, adorable, yes it is - sorry, Sev... unputdownable story. I always re-read them, hoping to find you have penned twice as many, when I emerge for air and daily life. Thank you . They are a joy.
Amazing, amazing, once more, amazing story! Wittily written, entertaining and so believable! Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Taking my hat off and bowing low! ))) Thank you! I am so happy that there are four more stories to read, eeeey!!!)))
Dear Susan! Thank you very much for such a fantastic work! Your story is quite creative and very well written. It is impossible to put down until the last page. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! Great story!
Title: How it All Played Out
| 04 Oct 2015 8:33 am
Reviewer: woodyt (Signed)
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I absolutely loved this & so glad Snape got his happy ending
Title: How it All Played Out
| 13 Mar 2015 5:51 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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This was everything I have ever wanted a fic to be. Thanks so much for sharing.
After reading loads of stories on this website I can tell you that your story is absolutely brilliant and in my opinion the best of the best! Chapeau-bas! If you ever start a new one be sure I'll be your faithful reader. Thank you so much for your work!
I just reread this again, as it's on my favorites list and realized I never left you a review! :p
This is one of the best stories on this site, and I love The Beatles aspects woven into it, and you once again had me in tears by the end. I also just discovered that it actually has several sequels which I also somehow missed so I will be checking those out now.
Title: How it All Played Out
| 28 Jan 2013 7:25 pm
Reviewer: Abraxan (Anonymous)
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A truly outstanding story! Thank you for sharing it.