Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Nightmares 13 Apr 2021 5:29 am
Reviewer: MellarkandArt (Signed) [Report This]
    I LOVE this so much, it’s been nine years so I doubt you’ll ever continue it but if you did it would be awesome : )
Title: Nightmares 02 Mar 2021 4:46 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    It’s a shame this was never finished.
    It’s so good.
Title: Nightmares 23 Sep 2019 2:24 am
Reviewer: Finnerad (Signed) [Report This]
    you should update, the story is very good and interesting.
Title: Nightmares 21 Oct 2018 10:21 am
Reviewer: neytiri (Signed) [Report This]
    please update again
Title: Nightmares 13 May 2016 7:43 pm
Reviewer: lilyflower101 (Signed) [Report This]
    I hope he at least finds the mirror. 🙏🐺🐾

    Please update this!!!! a86;😊😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😉😜😝😋😘😎😏🙋🙌🙆🙏😺😸😹👍👌c4;c6;c5;👊a57;👆👋👏👐📗📘📙📚📔📒📑📓📕📖c📝💻💽💾💿📁📂📃📄

    Pretty please with a 🍒on top?
Title: Nightmares 23 Dec 2014 12:23 am
Reviewer: phoenixfire2390 (Signed) [Report This]
    Love the fic all its drama and showing it from both Severus and Harry's perspective is a nice touch. Just wondering if you are going to update.
Title: Nightmares 04 Jul 2014 12:59 pm
Reviewer: The Lonely God With A Box (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh please do update again, even if it's likely you've forgotten all about the story. I was really enjoying it. Snape has to find out what's happened to Harry!!
Title: Nightmares 15 Dec 2013 5:21 pm
Reviewer: Elizabeth Severine Snape (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this story. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue! *puppy dog eyes*
Title: Nightmares 03 Nov 2013 7:42 am
Reviewer: Psychedelica (Signed) [Report This]
    Argh, this is amazing!! Can't wait for next chapter :)
Title: Nightmares 23 Oct 2012 3:19 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    now that i am caught up i desperatly want more

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