Reviews For Snape's Memories
You have an excellent handle on characterization and I truly love the way you bring us into the chapters in media res and still manage to make sure that the reader knows everything they need to know to carry on with the tale. Bravo! Author's Response: Thank you. I'm very impatient--I don't like to spend a lot of time in setting up scenes. I love these characters.
Author's Response: That's gotta be a Wizard proverb or something.
Please write more soon. Author's Response: Hee. Dudley has a wicked, dry sense of humor.
Author's Response: Don't worry, that's just Dudley's rather deadpan humor--a common trait to social workers. Harry doesn't want it named after him, so it'll be "The Barton Scholarship"--Dudley uses Phillip's last name.
Author's Response: I borrowed the idea from Victorian funeral customs, but the colors chosen are my own.
Author's Response: Yes, Tim's symptoms are similiar to problems my son has had, as well as problems I myself have had. Sort of a severe case of fibromyalgia accompanied with a disorder in sensory integration. I figure "Crucio" is Unforgivable for a reason. Thanks for reading
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