Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Snape's Memories
Title: Chapter 22 07 Feb 2011 5:48 am
Reviewer: LuKat (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahhhh!!! I was so happy that you have finished loading all the chapters!! I could not stop at the end of the last one to leave a review because I had to know what happened next RIGHT AWAY! I am so glad that Tim's "guardian angel" is taking care of him, and am more curious than ever on how they got together.
Title: Chapter 29 07 Feb 2011 2:15 am
Reviewer: EmmalynnLilliannaSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    This was such a great story. I like that it ended with a bit of mystery, but enough answers so I'm not totally confused.
    Great writing. I look forward to any future work you do. :)
Title: Chapter 29 07 Feb 2011 1:14 am
Reviewer: Amylia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Let me just say... awesome. I think you've just created one of my favourite fanfics that I've read yet :)

    I did have one note, however, something that I don't know if you really need to or could fix, but - Neville, in the first book, talks about his Great Uncle Ernie trying to "force" magic out of him... I was under the impression, as a reader, that Tim's magic was at least something they were very much aware of, because it was so volatile, as an effect from spell damage... well, wouldn't Neville's have had to be more volatile in his youth - thus making his uncle not need to "try to force" some magic out of him?

    again, I really like your story... I was just wondering about that one point :)

    Author's Response:

    Ginny and Harry do touch on that.  I'm assuming that spell damage is inconsistent.  In Neville's case, it was one episode, immediately treated with the best treatment of the time.  Neville's magic went underground until Neville was actually in danger (falling out of a window), and Snape scared him so much in classes that he was always melting cauldrons.

    In Tim's case, the curse was used numerous times, with no treatment and Tim was often in real physical danger.  Also, Tim got the idea that it was not safe to show his magic around Smith.  It's possible that Mary gave him this idea, it's also possible Tim's "guardian angel" did--and helped him hide it.

    I'm glad you enjoyed reading. 


Title: Chapter 29 07 Feb 2011 12:01 am
Reviewer: Moon_Willow (Signed) [Report This]
    OH MY GOSH! I think i'm gonna cry! This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. A wonderful alternate view on the death of Snape. I'm glad that Snape actually turned out to be Snape--been wondering about that since the "bezoar" thing. Fantastic, amazing, wonderful. I wish I Could write something like that. I'd never really like stories where Snape remained dead, but this, yeah, it's sad and everything, but it's hopeful, and Snape came back, in the form of Tim. Wonderful. I'm speechless. Will there be a sequel? (Pls say yes, pls say yes, pls say yes!)

    Author's Response:

    I'm so glad you liked it.

    There will likely be a sequel.  Not for a while because I have other projects, but eventually.

    I planted a series of clues about Tim/Snape.  I think there's one in almost every chapter.  It's a sort of scavenger hunt :-).

    It is sad.  I don't mind stories where Snape isn't really dead, but it always feels like cheating to me.  But, I figured that if anyone had earned a grand, cosmic do-over, it was Severus Snape.  Even if he didn't want it and he had to spend great chunks of it with Harry-bloody-Potter.



Title: Chapter 29 06 Feb 2011 11:09 pm
Reviewer: chrmisha (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a fantastic story! I didn't see the end coming until the end :-) Very nicely done! I wonder what would make Snape choose what he did; often it's the other way around. Very well done.

    Author's Response:

    Do you mean choosing to come back?  He didn't--that was what the conversation in Sirius' room was about, "I asked you a question. When they sent you back. Was it a punishment or a reward?" 

    Life is painful and unfair and Snape's soul is hurting.  He's trying to work out if Tim's life is a punishment for his sins or not.  And naturally, Snape's private hell would be furnished with Harry Potter.  And a Lily who would abandon him, again.  And adults who would fail him, again.  And a body whose magic was, perhaps, crippled.

     Harry's angry defense of the boy is immensely reassuring.

Title: Chapter 26 06 Feb 2011 10:39 pm
Reviewer: chrmisha (Signed) [Report This]
    Fantastic-I love this dream world-very touching and I love that Snape's in Tim's dreams as well.
Title: Chapter 29 06 Feb 2011 10:07 pm
Reviewer: Evil Genus (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, that was a nice story. I think it is also a rather suitable end to HP. I mean who better to give Snape a better childhood then the boy he fought to have a childhood for.
Title: Chapter 22 06 Feb 2011 9:44 pm
Reviewer: chrmisha (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Chapter 22 06 Feb 2011 9:36 pm
Reviewer: chrmisha (Signed) [Report This]
    Oooh I love calling the house elf for help!
Title: Chapter 21 06 Feb 2011 9:25 pm
Reviewer: chrmisha (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG! I love your Harry and I love you for uploading many chapters at once :-)

    Author's Response: Your welcome!

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