Reviews For A Summer's Misadventures
Gonna read next one right now! --his Author's Response: Haha, glad you like the ending! Sappy, but kinda good sappy. Over a ten? Wow, thank you so much. That just makes my day. Well, I'll warn you ... the next one is dark. It isn't as funny. Or as happy. But I loved writing it. I just loved it. Thanks so much for the review, and hope you like the next despite its differences.
--his Author's Response: I am glad you like them. I really felt they captured things nicely. Thanks for the review!
--his Author's Response: Even more than little Hermione and Harry? Gah! Yay! I was so worried I couldn't top them when I started this one. Thanks so much for your review! Haha, I still miss writing this version of Severus.
--his Author's Response: Well, I'm glad it had an emotional impact, however sad a chapter this was. It's just a nasty situation, I admit. Thanks for reviewing!
--his Author's Response: Well, you can say it as much as you want. It makes me smile harder ever time. Great to hear it's so entertaining!
Sirius needed to learn. Too bad it was at a young Severus' expense. rating for this chapter is 20! --his Author's Response: A twenty? * Firs I would like to than my mom, and my teachers, and ...* Wow, thanks! Great to hear you loved it so much. Yeah, kind of a rough way for Severus to prove Sirius wrong about him. Thanks a lot for the review!
Good for Ginny sharing like that! and for once, Ron. --his Author's Response: Oh gosh, yeah. Heights scared the pants off of me as a kid. Yes indeed - yay Weasleys! Thanks for the review!
Hermione must have been shook-up too. I hate lightning and thunder. I know what it is, but I still jump... lol. --his Author's Response: Yeah, poor Sev. Nasty Death Eaters. Yeah thunder and lightning can be pretty scary. My best friend was just terrified of it, whereas I was the crazy child who would stand in high places to watch it. *shudders*
Author's Response: Oh I know - just terrible for him when he grows up again! *cackles maniacally*. Cheers! Glad to hear you're liking it.
--his Author's Response: Great to hear you're finding it sweet! Cheers, Whitetail |
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