Reviews For A Summer's Misadventures
--his Author's Response: Oh yes, I had waaaaay too much fun with tiny Severus. Cheers! Thanks for dropping a line. :)
Great chapter. Had me breathing intensley with poor Severus the whole time. whew! I'm glad we're - ummm, I mean, he's, out of that coffin. lol. --his Author's Response: Oh yes, I fully admit I am cruel. Evil, even. And the worst part - I relish in causing readers emotional distress! It's my job, as a writer. I know. Terrible. But seriously - eek, claustrophobia ... wow, sorry for making this like the most horrid chapter ever for you. But I am glad you thought it was great anyway. Great to hear you're still breathing too! Cheers, Whitetail.
Author's Response: Haha, thanks for the review!
--his Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Glad you liked the furniture part. :D
By this point, I fear I am in danger of starting to sound redundant. I just really, really like your writing. Little Sev was absolutely darling, of course! And Dramione pleases me well, as it is one of my ships of choice. Well done with the tentative truce between Severus and Sirius - and that last scene with Severus and Harry just gives me so many feels, I simply cannot... Wonderfully writ! Author's Response: So, if you're an addict of my fics, does that make me your dealer? Haha, don't fear sounding redundant, Dream! I'm loving the reviews, especially because I haven't gotten any new reviews for my older stories in ages. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell me you are still enjoying the stories! Glad you liked the sort of truce between Severus and Sirius. Ah, and little Sev. I had way too much fun with this story. It's similar to the last, but I was just beside myself with giggling while I wrote it - so glad you had fun too! Cheers!
Author's Response: Surprise - there's a third one! I did write another, and I did love writing it so hopefully it is fun to read, despite being very different from DWLF and ASM. Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Haha, thanks for the feedback! Great to hear it was a hit with you! Cheers. :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the review! I am glad you enjoyed it.
Author's Response: Wow, thanks so much shadowienne! I always thought that Severus and Sirius had so much in common, and that they actually could have respected each other if they just knew from the start that they came from similar situations. I am glad that you liked that. I really enjoyed writing their little subplot, so I am so happy it was enjoyed!
Author's Response: I am so happy to know you liked it shadowienne! I had fun with the superhero thing. Underpants indeed ... I am also pleased you enjoyed the cupboard scene. I really have been dying to have Sirius find out Severus' boggart for a long time, especially as a child. Anyway, thanks so very much for the review! It totally made my day! |
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