Title: Light Up the Sky
| 05 Feb 2013 11:53 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Minerva with her wand in her teeth... If push came to shove, I'll bet she could work some pretty awesome magic even so!
Author's Response: Yeah, I bet Minerva would be spectacular when it came down to it. Cheers for the review!
Title: A Competition Involving Laundry
| 05 Feb 2013 11:28 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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The laundry games were fun (esp the sock puppet!), but bathtime was the best! Sev has quite an imagination! (I'll admit I envy him-- I wasn't permitted to play with toys in the tub, so I didn't get much to imagine...) "I gave one last moan..." That is hysterical! Loved it!
Author's Response: You weren't allowed to play in the tub? *wide eyed scream*. Terrible. I dragged everything in there. Even made life jacket for my lego dudes. Severus drew heavily from my childhood roots here, haha! I am so glad you liked the bathtime scene. I am so glad you found it funny, and enjoyed the one last moan line. Cheers!
Title: The Past Remembered
| 05 Feb 2013 10:29 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Definitely different, but I really enjoyed it! It amazes me how many adults seem to forget what it feels like to be a little kid; I haven't forgotten, and playing "make-believe" was always lots of fun! I did wonder about Sev naming his bear Alex-- wonder if we'll find out who his inspiration is? In the meantime, he has all the essentials: besides Alex, Sev had a blankie, overalls, a hippogriff on his wall, and plenty of playmates, even if they are weird teenagers, especially the dragon in the dirt! Ha!
Author's Response: Yes, I think adults need to remind themselves sometimes just what it was like to be a child. I have refused to let myself forget, and it's good to hear you've done the same. Make believe was just a blast, I agree! Hmm, I don't think I ever do give his reason for naming him Alex, as in actuality I named him after a friend of mine. But yes, Severus sure does have the essentials! Thanks for the review, and glad to hear you're enjoying it, Shadow.
Good-- a multi-faceted opening! Can't wait to see how the Weasleys will fit into the summer (along with Molly's wooden spoon?), and what kinds of "misadventures" the boys get up to! But what had me laughing out loud was the scene with rampaging furniture-- I used to work retail furniture, & we'd have to lift/carry furniture until the owner got those slides that let you just push stuff across the floor (store had combo of carpet, wood, & tile). My tiny co-worker took to moving SOFAS by herself; she'd gallop past the front desk with the sofa whizzing lengthwise ahead of her, shouting, "GANGWAY!" Your scene gave me a hearty laugh as I flashed back! ;-)
Author's Response: Hey, great to hear from you Shadow! I am so glad that you got a good laugh out of the furniture! Great story about your co-worker, haha! I can just picture it too! Thanks for the laugh, and the review. Cheers, Whitetail.
That was a good story. I am a sucker for de-aging stories, especially ones where Severus finally enjoys a happy childhood. And then when he finally regained his real age, Sirius apologized for the way he treated Sev in the past.
Author's Response: I'm happy that you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for taking the time to review!
The Supersev part was cute, especially when the other kids joined in the game. It was nice to see Sirius take care of the boggart. That should give him something to think about.
Author's Response: Oh Supersev ... I did love writing that part. Yes, Sirius should have a lot on his mind, shouldn't he? Thanks for the review!
I liked the scene between Ron and Draco. Now that Ron has that out of his system they should be able to at least tolerate each other. I am looking forward to Severus on the toy broom in the Quidditch game. He seems to be having a good time as a child.
Author's Response: I am quite pleased you liked Ron and Draco's scene. I wanted them to be able to throw some things at each other that would make them think, and therefore understand eachother a little more. Thanks for reviewing!
Poor Severus. Tortured by Death Eaters and then, when we thought he was rescued, deaged into a six-and-a-half year-old. At least he is enjoying being a child this time.
Author's Response: Yes indeed. Poor Severus ... Thanks for dropping a line!
I like the way the story is written from Severus' point of view. It makes an interesting read. I am also glad you decided to make a series of this AU. The first story was so good. I look forward to continuing the adventures.
Author's Response: Glad you liked it! I do love finding reviews after things have been completed.
*sniff* that was beautiful!
Author's Response: I am so happy that you liked it. Thank you for dropping a line!