Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Familiar
Title: Familiar 19 Feb 2011 5:47 pm
Reviewer: Lianne (Signed) [Report This]
    This is brilliant :) And the ending made me laugh very hard. Cute story :)

    Author's Response: Thank you! When Hagrid finds out, he'll probably want one of the hatchlings for himself ;)... a baby basilisk might be even more fun than a baby dragon!
Title: Familiar 19 Feb 2011 5:43 pm
Reviewer: charlie74656 (Signed) [Report This]
    That's really brilliant and I love the way it's all in dialogue. Kind of reminds me of a Joyce Grenfell monologue, especially with Snape fainting. ;)

    Author's Response: Thank you! I enjoy writing dialogue more than anything else, so this fic was a lot of fun for me. Glad you liked it!
Title: Familiar 19 Feb 2011 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh I love this! Original, witty and beautifully written. The first few scenes, the ones which are just dialogue between Cy and Harry, are probably my favourites; it takes skill to pull that technique off but you've done it beautifully. The backstory is also intreguing but believable and I loved Severus' reaction to Cy (both human characters are very well portrayed, by the way; I could imagine their canon selves acting in a very similar manner ^^)

    Cy is gorgeous; if only she could cross dimentions- I think my 'Mr. Hissy' (from 'When the Boat Comes In') would absolutely adore her!

    Author's Response: Thank you! I started to read "When the Boat Comes In" after reading your review, and I've been enjoying it very much so far! Mr. Hissy and Cy would make a great couple - the first basilisk pairing in HP history :)! Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Familiar 19 Feb 2011 4:26 pm
Reviewer: Kayla Anne (Signed) [Report This]
    The fainting Snape just made my day! XD
    Thanks for writing this, I've been interested about an alternate end for the basilisk, too.

    Author's Response: Thank you! Poor Snape, the ammunition he gave Harry... but then again, the two of them might well be on their way to a less hostile relationship, so Harry might not use it against him. Thanks for reviewing!

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