Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For The Worst Exchange
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 23 Jun 2014 3:07 pm
Reviewer: crotia (Signed) [Report This]
    I love the idea.
    Please continue
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 05 Jul 2011 2:52 pm
Reviewer: cara-tanaka (Signed) [Report This]
    I like this. Very intriguing. Update soon
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 31 Mar 2011 4:47 pm
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I hope that you continue this story. I never read the Worst Witch books but I loved the TV show and I remember watching some of the 1985 movie. FYI, you can the episodes on YouTube. I am so looking forward to the interaction between Severus and Miss Hardbroom.
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 25 Feb 2011 9:05 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Signed) [Report This]
    "... laminate themselves to the ceiling"-- hee! Also, I love the imagery produced by the warp and weft description! Wow! I do have to admit, however, that I didn't quite get the statement about McGonagall stepping down so Hardbroom could meet with the students in a more "pastoral" sense. I've never experienced "The Worst Witch" in any form, so I come at your story without any preconceptions. I'll look forward to seeing how this develops!

    Author's Response: Thanks; the logic behind McGonagall stepping down is that, when a teacher only interacts with students during lessons, they don't really get to know them; the stresses of the classroom, especially in a practical class, are such that the teacher will spend most of the time teaching/averting disaster and almost no time on a one-to-one basis (unless the student is seriously bad!) However, as a Head of House, a teacher can really get to know students because they can arrange activities, interview the kids, help with problems, etc. Therefore, if Miss Hardbroom became a Head of House for a term, she would interact a lot more with the children and, as Gryffindor has some very clever, very personable muggleborns, it's the obvious choice; Miss Hardbroom's concerns over the teachabillity of young muggleborns would evaporate after spending any time with Hermione! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and liked the warp/weft description- I worked on that one for quite a bit before I was happy about it.
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 24 Feb 2011 11:38 pm
Reviewer: firefly5151 (Signed) [Report This]
    This seems like it's going to be an interesting story. I can't wait for the update.

    Oh, and thanks for making me laugh: "Well, it must be dead stressful, not knowing if the next class is going to laminate themselves to the ceiling." Love it!

    Author's Response: Thanks; the 'laminate themselves to the ceiling' sentence just felt very Harry (who would know all about lamination, considering his muggle background). I'm glad you enjoyed it; this story is going to be considerably more humorous and lighthearted than my others.
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 24 Feb 2011 7:54 pm
Reviewer: GraveDigger_Resurrection (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm super excited about this fic! I don't know "The Worst Witch," but I do know I'm already enjoying the mix. You have a fantastic writing style, and I actually very much like your Harry. He's more mature than in the books, but I quite appreciate the view you're taking on it. Can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review and the kind compliments. I always thought that Harry should have tried a bit harder with Snape after the Philosopher's Stone incident; Hermione, at least, would have had a huge guilt complex of accusing the man of such an enormity on such flimsy evidence (she set fire to the poor guy's legs!) and, given what we know of Hermione's personality, a likely reaction would have been to cut Snape a lot of slack and, moreover, to insist Harry did too. We know that Harry is the forgiving type (he cares about his relatives, albiet in a detached way, throughout the series) and giving Snape another chance seemed in character.
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 24 Feb 2011 4:35 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    OOh, this is very intriguing. I can't wait for the next chapter Morgana. Very interesting twist with "The Worst Witch" too. I am anxious to see how you mesh the two universes.

    It should be interesting too to see Snape and Ms. Harbroom interact. They sound like two peas in a pod!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review; busy writing at the moment so should have the next chapter out sometime next week (fingers crossed). Snape and Hardbroom are very alike and, as you said, it should be interesting ;)
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 24 Feb 2011 4:18 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG Gana! I loved the worst witch books when I Was younger! I knew Snape reminded me of someone and now I remeber, it was Ms. Hardbroom! I can't wait to see where you take this story! Two of my all time favorite book series in one fic! *squeals like a fangirl*

    I'm off to search my attic to see if I still have the books! :)

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review; yes, I had the same feeling about Snape and then, one day, I dug out my old Worst Witch books and thought 'Wow'; Snape and Hardbroom look alike, speak in the same way and are both prickly characters (not to mention that they are both harried by thin, accident prone and messy-haired children lol!) I hope you'll enjoy this story ^^
Title: Chapter 1: Snape's Shadow 24 Feb 2011 3:43 pm
Reviewer: autumnamberleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Good job Morgana! I really enjoyed the defense class and Harry learning Expelliamus. Great job. :-D Just a question-why is Snape still teaching potions in one scene? I love your writing style! :-)

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review and the kind compliments. In answer to your question, Snape's still teaching potions because Miss Hardbroom's not arrived yet and, as it's only the first week of term, teaching both Potions and Duelling seminars for a week doesn't overstretch him too much.

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