Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Back in Time
Title: Chapter 64 16 May 2011 3:48 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love the bit at the end where they are behaving like a real working (or not working lol) family! It seemed so real, the bickering, the frustrated cranky Sev having to deal with all the kids and making sure everyone is ready, then the calm Lyrica telling her husband to chill out! I love this story omg!!!
Title: Chapter 58 15 May 2011 8:03 am
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this story. I really love Lyrica and Severus. I love how they love each other and how nice their relationship is and I love how they are with the children. I would love a set of parents like the two of them. You write so well. I find myself retiring to my bedroom and ignoring everyone else so I can come and read this story (and be comforted after a long day of being overly emo lol).

    Author's Response: I am so very pleased you enjoyed the family, especially Lyrica.  I was so terrified she might turn into a Mary Sue. :)
Title: Epilogue 05 Apr 2011 5:20 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a most magnificent story! I don't think I can articulate everything that I adore about it, but I'll tell you a few of the things that kept me clicking chapter and after chapter until I got finished today (on my birthday!).

    1. The way they ended up in 1898. Most time travel things are either broken Time-Turners, or aren't explained at all. Your explanation for the accident and the ultimate solution were ingenious, sensible, and great plot points!

    2. A romantic interest for Snape that is anything but a Mary Sue. Lyrica was awesome! I loved most that she was flawed. So many OFCs seem to be too perfect, but Lyrica felt real.

    3. King Henry's ghost. I love the idea of him using being a ghost as a way to fulfill his boyhood dream about being a musician instead of a ruler. You gave him a great personality, and I very much enjoyed his teaching Ron the lute.

    4. Your interpretation of Ron Weasley. This was one of the very best characterizations I've read of him yet. He's not a cardboard cut-out sidekick at all. The initial squabbling with Draco was right out of canon, but as the relationship grew and changed, you made Ron into a much more mature and thoughtful, but still loyal and fun, person.

    5. Draco's history with his father. It was horrible what Lucius did to him, but it made the canon Draco make a lot more sense. I loved that bit where he admitted that he'd almost been sorted into Gryffindor!

    6. Bluebell Fire land mines! What a clever idea! All of the magic in the story was great. I truly admire your efforts to make the Ley Line magic work with the canon style magic to to wipe out Voldemort; so that he could]
    become the "Power that he knows not".

    7. The description of Severus coming out of the birthing room holding Eowyn in his arms. That was so beautiful and I could just picture it in my head. It is a more vivid image even than his and Lyrica's handfasting!

    8.... Gosh, if I keep this up, I'll be describing the whole tale back to you.

    Thank you so very much for such an absorbing, lovely story. If this is your vry first HP fanfic, I can hardly wait to read the rest of your pieces!

    Well done!.

    Author's Response: Thank you so much!  I rather enjoyed re-reading this as I posted it here.  I am pleased it gave you so much joy.  Happy birthday to you, as well.  I hope it is a perfect one!
Title: Epilogue 04 Apr 2011 4:42 pm
Reviewer: EmmalynnLilliannaSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow. There are so many things I'd like to say about this story, but they're all so jumbled up in my head that all I can say is: "Wow, fantastic, terrific, amazing, and wonderful". This story kept me at the computer for three days straight, just trying to read it all. I was completely captivated ny the entire plot and the depth of the characters and the new take on particularly Harry, Sev and Draco when they were taken out of the setting where they needed to present a certain front... If you know what I'm trying to say....

    Anyway, I love this story. Great job. I would love to see more stories in this universe. Maybe the weddings, the kids... One-shots would be cool. Or a story abouth the new generation you created. I would even go to FanFiction.net to read it if there wasn't enough of Sev and Harry to post here. Please consider it.
    Again, love you story! Happy writing and best wishes. :)

    Author's Response: Thank you so much!  I hope you are getting some sleep now after 3 days of reading! ;-)  I may consider going back, but I can't say for certain.  I have a soft spot for Snape's daughter who is attending Hogwarts.  She sort of took hold of me in that epilogue.
Title: Chapter 5 01 Apr 2011 4:27 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow I don't usually like time travel but I can see a few late nights ahead as I catch up with this one thank you

    Author's Response: You're welcome!  I hope you enjoy the rest. :)
Title: Epilogue 01 Apr 2011 1:46 am
Reviewer: HalfBloodPrincesa (Signed) [Report This]
    I usually don't read time travel stories because they get so bogged down, and very often they follow a set, predictable pattern. That being said, I am really glad that I devoted the time to read this. It was anything but predictable. I love how you thought up an unknown headmistress that disappeared, and then to find out the reason she disappeared was because she time traveled with Snape and company. You made everything believable, even the non canon couples. I would really love for you to write more in this universe, especially about the courtships, weddings, and children that resulted between chapters 90 and 91.

    Author's Response: I am honored that my story kept you so captivated.  Thank you for your kind words.
Title: Chapter 62 31 Mar 2011 4:51 pm
Reviewer: Romanticide (Anonymous) [Report This]
    So....did Lyrica and Severus um, you know? Or just cuddled? >///

    Author's Response: I expect they did a bit more than just cuddling. ;-)
Title: Chapter 1 31 Mar 2011 9:38 am
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Don't you mean 1993? Your summary says that the story is canon up until Prisoner of Azkaban, which takes place in the 1993-1994 school year.

    Author's Response: A failing of mine that was a trouble in this story - time.  I do mean 1994 - it was just the beginning of the new term of school which would have been September, 1994.
Title: Chapter 10 31 Mar 2011 5:39 am
Reviewer: KKJ (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Beautifully written:"Remembered pain pulsed like an obscene lover's touch..."

    Author's Response: Thank you *blushes*
Title: Chapter 1 31 Mar 2011 4:21 am
Reviewer: KKJ (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very intriguing beginning. I love all of the details which place the reader there right along with the characters.

    Author's Response: Thank you.  I do hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :)

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