Title: The Journey Begins
| 08 Apr 2011 9:28 am
Reviewer: lils (Anonymous)
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that's it, i'm getting a cat! i've a feeling this story's gonna be great!
Title: The Journey Begins
| 08 Apr 2011 4:16 am
Reviewer: fanficaholic (Anonymous)
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I really like this story. Great concept! Can't wait for more!
Very good, I love it! And clever name you picked. I didn't see that coming even when he was named Seven. I can't wait for more.
this looks like it's going to be awesome! Can't wait for another chapter! Keep up the good work! (And Severus, be prepared for your mind to be blown as all your misconceptions about harry are destroyed!)
Title: The Journey Begins
| 06 Apr 2011 9:27 am
Reviewer: squeegybug (Anonymous)
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This is a great start, and nice original idea for the plot. Please continue this fic. I will be looking forward to see how this unfolds.
I read this story on my phone the other day when it didn't have any reviews and I thought to myself, "I'll leave a review when I get home and on an actual computer." *headdesk* Stupid, stupid, stupid. Now there's what? 45 reviewers in front of me? *headdesk* Now I wish I would've sucked it up and reviewed from my phone so I could've been one of the first! Ugh! It's a great start. Truly, it is. Keep doing whatever it is you're doing, beacause it's working. Oh, and is Severus going to have to use a...litter box? >:D. Muahaha! P.S. Because I have OCD, and three is a good, solid number...*headdesk*
Title: The Journey Begins
| 05 Apr 2011 10:10 pm
Reviewer: xikum (Anonymous)
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An excellent beginning! Eagerly awaiting more. I love it when Severus finds out his whole perspective if Harry is skewed, and that what Dumbledore said is true - He and Harry have a lot in common, if anything, he had it easier since at least his mother who loved him, was there with him!
Title: The Journey Begins
| 05 Apr 2011 6:26 pm
Reviewer: Helene (Anonymous)
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Fantastic beginning! I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Title: The Journey Begins
| 05 Apr 2011 5:53 pm
Reviewer: DragonThatMrows (Anonymous)
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Omg! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA! There weren't any grammtical prolems as far as I could see, and the story flows excellently! Please, please,PLEASE update soon!
Title: The Journey Begins
| 05 Apr 2011 5:38 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Love Severus' thoughts about Harry and life in general very funny.