I really love the characterization of the cat. You can tell he's magical, by the human nodding, shaking, cleaning Harry's glasses of mud, etc.,but the ferocity of the true feline is fantastic when he defends Harry from the bullies! Loving it!
Title: A Not-So-Cheerful Birthday
| 16 Feb 2012 11:57 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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I liked severus' thoughts and is use of legilmency very clever.I am looking forward t Aunt Marg and Ripper arriving!
Okay, I teared up. Five-year-old Harry really really got to me here. It is an often-done scene, but you wrote it with a simplicity and directness that actually got to my heart.
Really liking this story. Looking forward to an update!
Wow....Severus certainly is learning that there's more to young Harry than he ever thought there was! He is also being confronted by his own preconceptions about the boy & why he behaves the way he does in some situations...which certainly is a bitter pill for Severus to swallow!
Though I can't help wondering if Severus will be able to remain in feline form until they both return to Hogwarts....or if the dreaded arrival of Aunt Marge will drive both of tthem to leave privet drive? Also will Severus allow Albus to actually send Harry to his relatives again or to even remain in there custody after the events of this holiday?
Awww.... both sad and sweet at the same time.
So moments between these two? Perhaps Sev protecting Harry from Ripper? Or noticing the big black dog? Severus actually cuddling up to Harry when something horrible happens?
I love this story! :) Great writing. I like the how we can read Snape's thoughts, too. :)
ah, i was hoping you'd update soon! another wonderful chapter!
I'm really enjoying this so far please update again soon, I look forward to reading more!
Title: A Not-So-Cheerful Birthday
| 14 Feb 2012 12:15 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed)
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awww beautiful I am glad that Severus got to see just how Harry celebrates his birthday i do indeed think Severus is haveing a change for the better
Love the chapter. Awesome. The memory nearly made me cry...