Thank you for such a great tale! So much fun to see the master manipulator get manipulated himself.
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed that. :P
ah-ha! that was stellar!
Author's Response: Tehe thanks!
FREAKING AWESOME!!! I love you!!! I love this!!! FREAKING MASTERFUL!!! That's the oNLY word to describe this!!! I love love love your brain. I even love the format. The entire first bit was soley dialogue and I hadn't any trouble at all following. Wonderful. Incredible. MASTERFULLY done, my dear!
Author's Response: THANKS!! I'm glad you loved it so! =D It was a new format style for me so I'm glad it was recieved wonderfully. Thanks again! :]
I thought this story was absolutely beautiful and would love to read more fantastic reads like this one. Write on!
Author's Response: Thanks! I've never done a solely (or mostly solely) dialogue fic before so it was something to experiment with and I'm glad you liked it!
Title: Masterful Manipulations
| 13 Apr 2011 6:49 am
Reviewer: periwinkle (Anonymous)
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Just loved it!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Masterful Manipulations
| 10 Apr 2011 5:58 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely to see Dumbledore bested thank you
Author's Response: Your welcome! :D And thanks yourself for reading and reviewing.
Title: Masterful Manipulations
| 10 Apr 2011 4:49 pm
Reviewer: nay (Anonymous)
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awesomeeeeeeeeeeee though I do wonder how Sev manipulated Dumble like that!
Author's Response: Thanks! And, well, Sevvy IS a spy! He knows just what to say and how to act to fool everyone. ;)
Title: Masterful Manipulations
| 10 Apr 2011 8:31 am
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed)
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hah haha ahah aha loved it for the longest time it seemed it was dumbldore being manipulated so i love the end with it being Sev in control!!!!
Author's Response: Hahahaha yes I was tittering myself while writing it. Poor Dumbles. Thanks for the kind review!
Oh, I was NOT expecting that twist at the end!
What an excellent dialogue! The characterization came through and was simply brilliant.
Well done!
Author's Response: Thanks!! I appreciate your appreciation hehe.
Title: Masterful Manipulations
| 09 Apr 2011 1:34 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Anonymous)
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*falls over laughing* Too clever. Oh Albus, you have been manipulated ^.^. Kudos!
Author's Response: Thanks! hehe ^.^