Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For 1612
Title: His Silent Downfall 29 Jul 2011 9:32 am
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Harry's got to be okay! Update soon!

    Author's Response: Poor Harry ... I shall update as soon as I can Kristi!
Title: The Race Begins 23 Jul 2011 6:20 am
Reviewer: misundersnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Whoa - the excitement is sure going to escalate from here.
    Lucky Harry was able to get creative with his limited spell reportoir. And the frying pan - well, at least he learnt something from Petunia Dursley - he'll have to thank her for that. lol
    Well, all I can do it wait for the update and hope it goes well for Harry, Sev and Evelyn... and those needing rescuing, I suppose.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I am soo glad someone caught that Harry probably got the idea from Petunia to smack him over the head with the frying pan! An update should be soon now, as I have finally returned to civilization and can now transfer the next chapter over to computer from the notebook I took camping!
Title: Shadows that Lie Ahead 23 Jul 2011 12:46 am
Reviewer: misundersnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Maggie is not Maggie, I assume. The adults here are so distracted they did not take the little inconsistencies seriously. Harry senses more, but he's too young and inexperienced to suspect why. Oi, it's going to be nasty isn't it?
    Aw, poor Sev... he just wanted a bit of rabbit for dinner - poor man. I hate squeemish people - yes your meat that you so flippantly bought cut and packed so prettily in the store came from a living, once cute animal - deal with it! I have witnessed the slaughter of animals, as we grew up on a farm. It's not pleasant, but I detest it when naive people/or those that wish to keep their blinkers firmly in place are grossed out or shocked when first confronted with the reality. Kill the rabbit I say - I think Severus' stomach should come first! :p
    Besides, aren't rabbits hunted regularly and considered pests (albeit native ones) in the UK - eating people's vege gardens? Think Peter Rabbit...
    Great chapter, looking forward to the drama to come...

    Author's Response: Ah, clever. very clever. Yes I quite agree with you on the who being squeamish thing. The only thing I cannot stand is killing for the sake of killing, and not because you require food. Thank you so much for the review Misundersnape!
Title: Where Thestrals Abound 23 Jul 2011 12:25 am
Reviewer: misundersnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Thestrals - wouldn't it be risky to cut 'yourself' to attract them, they might try to eat you... lol.
    Still, dire circumstances and all...
    They eat dead birds? I thought they'd be more a red meat kind of animal.
    Poor Harry, thinking Sev was going to cut him. I'm glad the boy's fears were hightlighted for Snape, now he might address Harry's perception of him as a whole - that should be nice to see.
    Good chapter.

    Author's Response: I dunno whether or not they eat birds or anything, but I am rather of the thinking that they aren't too picky as long as the meat is fresh. But yes, I do see you point in that. Thanks for the review, and I must say I rather enjoyed your point regarding them eating you ...
Title: Drawing the Blueprints 23 Jul 2011 12:04 am
Reviewer: misundersnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah, lovely - Snape's softer side is beginning to get noticed - I always knew he had it in him :p He did well with the tense situation, with Evelyn in shock and little Maggie needing some tender care. Aw...
    So, the reality is pretty horrific, and they're beginning to make plans to pull off a mass rescue, I hope they can pull it off - it does seem rather fantastic that they might be able to achieve it - perhaps some Felix Felicsis (I'm sure I haven't spelt that right) might come in handy...
    I have wondered why McTavish hasn't become a target himself so far though - I mean, if I and my fellows were being summarily hunted and the main instigator was at first a hypocrit and a little mad, then I'd be taking that son of a *** out pretty soon. Surely a whole bunch of Witches and Wizards could take down one Wizard with a few Muggles - no? Then the problem would fizzle... or at least be manageable with only Muggle bigots to contend with. These people have got to learn to work together better! With his background this (admittedly more sordid) solution should have been more apparent to Snape much earlier than this - c'mon Sev, if there's any time to embrace the dark side of you it would be NOW - no time for softening, really. :p
    On to more...

    Author's Response: Gosh that last line made me laugh ... Yes, for once Snape should embrace his dark side. Though it really looks bad to murder someone in front of a student! ;) It seems fairly straighforward for the magical community too, but keep in mind that these people are terrified to confront him not only because he is so dangerous but because they know that if they are caught even just by the muggles and have their wand taken away things could go downhill quickly. Usually that is not a problem and rescue would be easy, but thanks to all of the enchantments in the area placed by McTavish it would be a lot harder to rescue people. There are a few good archers in the town too ... Anyways. Yes, it would have been much easier to let the magical community smite McTavish right away, but where's the story in that? This is sooo much more fun! Thanks so much for the long review, and your points are wonderfully refreshing and really picked my brain. So thank you for that as well! :)
Title: The Race Begins 22 Jul 2011 6:50 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg! My heart was hammering in my chest. I can't believe that traitor. Harry did some fast thinking there. Thank god his plan worked.

    Wow! Great job. Can't wait to see more.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review Pandora! I'm glad it was thoroughly suspenseful and that you were happy with his plan. Like I said, it's going to be a while until the next chapter so sadly you'll have to wait a bit longer than usual to see more. Cheers!
Title: Shadows that Lie Ahead 17 Jul 2011 11:15 pm
Reviewer: Kai (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely chapter! Love the Snape and rabbit scene haha! I sense drama/angst in the next chapter, am I right? Well, update soon! :D

    Author's Response: I'm happy you found the rabbit scene amusing. And yes, I was hinting heavily on drama and angst. It's pretty much the start of the end of the story, what will begin next.
Title: Shadows that Lie Ahead 17 Jul 2011 10:56 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    The end ? Already? Oh no. :(

    Maybe a sequel?

    I'm worried about what is going to happen next. Great chappie. I'm looking forward to the next chappie, although I don't want the story to end anytime soon.

    Author's Response: Yeah, I'm not really liking the idea of it ending, as I'm having a blast writing it too. However much I would like to continue it, my plot only goes so far, and what's coming up is pretty much the final shabang. Sequel ... yeah, can't say I really have anything planned. If I do have a stroke of inspiration, then I am afraid it must wait until I'm done my next story (I'm planning out and penning a third installment of my series Life's Discoveries some time after this). Glad you're liking it so much, and thanks for the review Pandora!
Title: Where Thestrals Abound 13 Jul 2011 7:57 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg. I feel that Harry and Snape made some serious progress in this chapter. I wonder if Snape already figured out Harry's whole relationship with his relatives just with that one episode.

    Good job. I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Poor Snape won't get much a chance to dig deeper for a while though, what with impending doom! Bwa ha ha. Well, you know, not exactly doom, but the rescue mission.
Title: Where Thestrals Abound 13 Jul 2011 4:31 pm
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm guilty of infrequent reviews, so I'll try and make up for it this time by saying I'm still quite intrigued with this story and where you're going with it. Another enjoyable chapter, so thanks! :-)

    Author's Response: Hey that's okay! Nice to know you're still interested. Glad you liked it!

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