Reviews For A Different Choice
Author's Response: You're most welcome. They won't be enemies though. They'll have a rather turbulent relationship... :) --Alis Syn
I'm really liking how you have Blaise. It'll be interesting to see how the relationships start to stabilize as term progresses. Author's Response: Thank you! Yeah, I figured Harry still needed that Quidditch element. And thanks! Blaise is a little difficult to portray. Hope I'm doing him justice! --Alis Syn
I'm glad that he told Snape what had happened even though it was obvious he didn't want to. My fave part of this chapter was Harry's comment - “No! Nothing excuses me… Just thought you should know the whole story.” Well done.
Author's Response: I right-align whenever I do a "flashback" scene. For some reason, I like how it looks. :) Don't worry, there's a Harry and Ron confrontation coming up. --Alis Syn
No matter how well written it is, it's overdone, and in my opinion, boring - but obviously, that is very subjective.
thank you for this fic. frenchy
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