Reviews For The Solemn Silence
I, myself, am a huge fan of gender-benders -- in the Harry Potter fandom, at least; most other series don't do well with the genre. Imagine a female Artemis Fowl! -- when they are done well: prose neither purple nor beige, characters believable, et cetera, et cetera. For example, SlyGoddess on FFN has 'A Butterfly Effect', and Lady Salazar -- also on FFN -- has 'Steps Far From Paradise', both absolutely brilliant. I do hope that this story gains as high a stature in my favour, because I've noted a distinct lack of decent writing in the genre. Silence - I love that name. It isn't too Sue-ish, I think; if I can get stuck with /my/ given name, I can easily see a child being named that. It has the sort of ring of a word that could believably be a name, as well. Um... I don't think I've anything else left to say, beyond that I'll be waiting anxiously for the next chapter. ~Lakhesis
Silence is a pretty weird name, but it is unique, which I think is a good thing. I don't really have a good grasp on her as a character yet, so I'll have to see how you choose to develop her. I'm also interested in seeing more Snape/Silence interaction, which I think could be one of the best parts of this. Overall, very good beginning. I'm really intrigued and hope you update soon! Author's Response: Thank you very much! I am very excited to write the Snape/Silence interactions as well. There should be more of them in the next chapters. Thank you again! --Alis Syn
About the "flashback-poems"... I like them, well-written and so on. I'm not really sure if they actually fit in the story as it is now. They give it more of a children's book/Doctor Seuss -feel, and the rest of it's written in a more "serious story"-way, if that makes sense. But then again, I like the poems, and it's a quick, smart way to get some background-info out of the way. Like a greek chorus, almost. But does it really fit in with the rest of the story and the tone of it? I'm not sure. All and all, please keep writing, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Author's Response: Thank you so much! Your review is wonderful! The name took me a long time to decide... I intially was going to go with Natalie but for some reason... it didn't sound right to me. And then I thought of Snape's favorite phrase: "Silence Potter!" :P And well, Silence Dogood was a name so... yeah. It just sounded right, and worked for the character. How about a Fairy Tale type feel? That was what I was going for with the back-flashes. Kinda mix of poetic, purple prose, and ambiguity. I'll see if I can't get them to fit a little more with the story though, make them a little more "serious". Thank you again, I hope that the next chapter won't disappoint you!
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