You completely caught me by surprise. Completely. That's all I'm going to say, so as not to spoil anyone else...
I loved the letters, and Albus' gradual change into a Severus. I like it that you gave him his very own talent that he can pursue without any intimidating role models. And the ending was great. Thanks for writing!
That was absolutely EXCELLENT!
I'd love to see another chapter/sequel of the discussion of when Severus finds out/ or admits to knowing just who his godfather really is, as well as the reaction of Harry and "Robert"
I love the story! I didn't suspect Uncle Robert to be Severus Snape, though...
wow, awesome fic!
Loved it.
BRAVO! Love this piece, Oliver! I love the idea of Harry writing yearly letters to his children and Snape making himself a part of Harry's family - SQUEE. ^^
Definitely a favorite, this. 10 for 10!