Reviews For Deliver My Letter Please, Hedwig?
This is amazing! I love the shock at the end, so pure! The letter in itself is heart-breaking, and I love how you show Harry's concern for Hedwig. Haha! I love Snape's face! Do continue! --Alis Syn
I'd love to read more!
ANYHOW, I really enjoyed this, and you choose to expound upon that which you've already written, I'd certainly be interested. Bravo. ^^
If you do, make sure to explain why it took Hedwig 2 weeks to find Snape. Great story, short and sweet, but would love for it to be expanded. Author's Response: Thanks! I shall explain here - It didn't take two weeks for Hedwig to 'find' Snape as such, but more that he missed him at his home, and then Scotland is a long way to fly for a relatively small, weary bird... Originally it was only going to be a few days, but then I decided to incorporate more canon events and timing, so it got pushed to two weeks. Snape as Harry's father is not usually something I go for personally, so continuing this will be something of a challenge in itself - nevertheless, I shall give some thought and try to come up with something believable that even I would buy... Thanks again! misundersnape... |
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