Reviews For Deliver My Letter Please, Hedwig?
Author's Response: Thank you so much! So glad you are enjoying. misundersnape...
Author's Response: It's implied, yes, but Snape himself does not remember an incident, as much as he'd have liked to have, as says so - that would shut Harry up for a bit. But you're right, I think I might have Harry wonder about it a bit more vocally though, to satisfy the question (I did consider this a little already)... thanks for the feedback! misundersnape...
Author's Response: Hee. hee... you'll have to keep coming back to find out. :p (I'm so cruel!) Thanks! misundersnape...
Author's Response: Yes, that's right! It's harder to find this out for sure, they're all discovering... Thanks! misundersnape...
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the praise! At first I didn't think I could go on like everyone wanted, but with a little thought the direction came to me. I'm so please it has been so well received! misundersnape...
I want to know if Snape is really Harry's father. I hope so. Love this story, can't wait for the next chappie. Author's Response: Yes, it's torture... slow, painful, nasty - I admit it... and I'm loving it! *evil chuckle* I know you want to know, but you'll just have to keep coming back... Glad you like it, I'm so pleased. Thanks so much for all your reviews! misundersnape...
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Glad you seem to be enjoying, that makes me day to hear that. misundersnape...
Author's Response: Thank you so much for all your reviews! The family tree was challenging... I actually had to write and construct it all, and many parts that didn't even make it to the actual fic, to get it to make sense. I have a new found appreciation for the research and effort JK Rowling herself must have taken to develop such a rich world for us to play in. Glad you are enjoying. misundersnape...
Author's Response: Oh yes he thought of the 'paternity potion', as did DD mention it (obliquely), but the thing with that potion, as is hinted at, is that it is rather traumatic and a long process to make it, both for the brewer and both subjects, so it's a last resort option. 'Kinship' is a quick, practically immediate method to determine if further investigation is even needed, such as the 'parternity potion' down the track. So I think he's being a top rate Potions Master here and methodically working out the problem. He just got a little caught up in the results and the shock for a moment, that's all. He's only human after all. ;) Thanks for your review! I'm working on the next, it's coming together... misundersnape...
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