Reviews For Deliver My Letter Please, Hedwig?
Awesome chaptera281;a281;a281; The suspense nearly tore me apart! Oh, I hope everything comes to light soon... The way Snape had searched for his features on Harry's face is a bit astonishing, though. it doesn't really seem like him, but it's a nice touch. i loved it. =) Update soon, yeah? Please please please! Author's Response: "The way Snape had searched for his features on Harry's face is a bit astonishing, though. it doesn't really seem like him" I put that down to the utter shock he had discovering that he 'was' related to Potter, and that that relationship was looking like it might be Father/Son. He was utterly stunned and then suddenly in a panic to see the 'evidence' for himself in the boy's features. It's not really him, not the normal him, you're right, but I liked the idea of him getting so caught up in it and showing his more tender side. Glad you liked it ultimately. Thanks for your review! Ah, face it - ya love me! :D misundersnape...
Author's Response: Well, Sluggy whipped up a very quick antidote for Ron in the films, so I figured I could have Sev do it too... why not, I thought to myself... ;) And what specifically do you find confusing? Obviously you don't have a definitive answer yet, I understand that, but I thought the rest was rather straight forward. Maybe I can explain for you if need be? Thanks so much for your review! misundersnape...
Author's Response: Hints noted... ;) So glad you are enjoying! misundersnape...
I hope that Snape "is" Harry's father, then they'd both get what they want. Severus would have a piece of Lily in Harry, and Harry would get a father which he desperately wants and needs. Great chappie. I can't wait for the next one.
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