Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Twenty-one Days
Title: Day six - Saturday, seventh of September 21 Sep 2011 4:10 pm
Reviewer: DestinedMommy (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter! i really liked the bonding that Snape and Harry had really sweet plz update soon im really looking 4ward to the nxt chapter!
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September - part two 21 Sep 2011 11:20 am
Reviewer: evil minded (Signed) [Report This]
    to all: I do thank all of you for your reviews you have given on this chapter ... and yes, the next chapter is on it's way ...
    to badgerlady: seeing that I already have finished this story - I surely won't give up on it ... for the beta - no, I won't take one and I guess I will place the same reasoning I have on my profile at ff here at P&S also as I don't want to explain myself over and over ... however, I do thank you for the review ...
    to Nightshade: concerning reviews dropping off - I don't think that your reasoning is really the cause as 1) I never expected a novel from anyone and just a few words of like or dislike I would be perfectly satisfied with. do not misunderstand my words, I DO appreciate your lengthy review very much ... 2) there's always a time in the year during which people have to do one thing or another and 3) if you take fifteen minutes to read the chapter, I think people can take one minute to give a few words to something that had taken the author more than just a few hours to work on - it only would be appropriate in my humble opinion - at least that is the what I do. I have grown up like this, aknowledging people's work - what is the reason as to why I always answer to peoples' reviews, to acknowledge the time they take for acknowledging my work.
    however, you really think people here would like "tRoR" ?? I'm not so sure, I have to admit that at the moment ... but well, I at least promise that I will think about posting it here ... "Cartons of milk" it actually came out of "21 days", it was just an idea, but one that worked, as it seemed. Thanks for reading and reviewing ...
    to Cara-Tanaka: do not worry, I definitely WON'T stop posting over at ff, I just considered it here for some time, that's all ... I don't know what to do with my other stories, we'll see ... I to thank you for yet again reading and reviewing ...
    to Tsuby: I'm glad that you seem to like the story, an author is always glad hearing such ... thanks for your review despite the trouble reviewing with your mobile ...
    to DestinedMommy: no, I did not post the past three chapters at once but at a weekly basis and I can't answer you why you have not been notified upon the updates - sometimes such happens - but at least you got to read them now :-) ... however - I do always answer the reviews of my readers, even if I do not send them personal notes but do so here in the review box ... I do thank you for reading and reviewing this ...
    to hawkwench: *lol* ... just wait until I - maybe - will post "cartons of milk" that actually is a story of mine ... thanks for reading and reviewing ...
    to teddybear: I'm glad that you seem to like the story and don't mind, I didn't give up on it as it is already finished ... I just do not wish placing it here all at once ... thanks for the review ...
    to Severus Draconis: ah, I guess you'll learn about Ron's problem during this chapter ... so - don't worry :-) ... thanks for your review ...
    to Slytherensangel: :-) ... just read the title of the story ... :-) ... thanks for your review ...
    to dancingcat: hmm, yes, I guess that a lot of people think that I made Snape a better teacher than what they gave him credit for, but well - that's the way I see him after all ... I have to agree on your comment about Ron ... :-) ... thanks for reviewing ...
    to Pandora: they will have to survive first, before Snape can give Harry a home ... don't forget this :-) ... but I do thank you for your review ...
    to Angel: my daughter always said Ron was cute while being a first or second year, but she neither didn't really like him, understandable in my opinion ... Hermione's right after all, his emotional capacity finds space on a tea spoon ... thanks for your review here ...
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September - part two 17 Sep 2011 5:35 am
Reviewer: Angel67 (Signed) [Report This]
    love the story so far. i have a feeling whatever happend was weasleys fault. damn weasley. idk why but ive never really like him. looking forward to the next chapter
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September - part two 14 Sep 2011 11:10 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I love Snape's thoughts about giving Harry a home.

    I really hope they get out of there soon.

    Great chapter. Looking forward to the next one.
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September - part two 14 Sep 2011 5:52 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! You packed a lot of stuff in this chapter! I'm not usually one to bash characters but your Ron has to be one one of the most jealous, angry and sociopathic people I've ever read about. If this what he does to his friends I don't want to know what he would do to an enemy. Your Snape is wonderful and a far better teacher than I ever gave him credit for. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September 13 Sep 2011 6:06 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    An excellent chapter thank you
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September - part two 13 Sep 2011 10:56 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    I really do hope that they all get out of there soon!
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September 13 Sep 2011 10:36 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    this story keeps me spellbound. i must read more!
Title: Day four - Thursday, fifth of September 13 Sep 2011 6:21 am
Reviewer: Hiimagiraffe (Signed) [Report This]
    Could you get a beta or something? the story's pretty goodbut the grammar is sort of off putting
Title: Day five - Friday, sixth of September - part two 13 Sep 2011 4:14 am
Reviewer: Severus Draconis Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank u for updating I love this story, it definitly favorited I'll review becus I know what its like when people dont, please dont discontinue, I love it I know I said that already but it's true lol... Although what the hell is Ron's problem?

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