Title: Day nine - Tuesday, tenth of September
| 06 Apr 2020 3:00 pm
Reviewer: maworth0612 (Signed)
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please update, I really like this story, I just found it and read it straight through. I like how all of the students are getting along and the interaction between all of them and Snape, especially him and Harry
I'm getting worried. It is only day 15 and Harry is already this bad, and the title suggests that he still has to get through almost another week...
For other readers, I managed to find the rest of the story (minus the final chapter) here. The story is in English even though the rest of the website is not. http://fanfics.me/read2.php?id=16720&chapter=0
Title: Day nine - Tuesday, tenth of September
| 07 Mar 2014 10:48 am
Reviewer: Woodwings (Anonymous)
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This is a brilliant story. It is well portrayed and within character, and the situation is not contrived. It tugs at the emotions and draws the reader in. Even the slight slips in wording that reveal a different mother-tongue do not detract from the experience of the story.
Title: Day nine - Tuesday, tenth of September
| 07 Mar 2014 10:23 am
Reviewer: Cloudrunner (Anonymous)
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Your story is wonderfully immersive, and the complexities of character interaction and thought process well portrayed. This is a compelling read, and has caused me to almost cry no fewer than three times.
Please continue, I've been checking back every month and no update! You can't just leave us in the dark about Draco.
I obviously care for the little booger, look at my name lol
*bemused* Would commenting help get an update? It's been nearly a year, and ending on such a cliff-hanger!
It is a very good story, and very unique, and I really like the character depth and development. Seeing the characters grow from more than they were is wonderful, and I especially like Nott's growth and the friendships with the Slytherins.
And I'd LOVE to know more about what's going on behind the scenes. How is Hagrid handling the news? Remus? What is Narcissa up to, is she more sympathetic to the light? Neville's comments about Luna 'knowing' things - will she be able to shed light on the trapped class' condition to the rest of Hogwarts, and would anyone listen to her if she did?
I think one thing that would help, though, is a Beta-reader who speaks English as a first language. You write very well, VERY well, but one can tell English isn't your native language. Some phrases don't quite make sense in English, and they can throw the reader off a bit. A good beta can correct those things fairly easily.
I'd be willing to beta and proofread if it'll help with updates :) I'm no good at helping with plot, but I can correct grammar and word choice. Let me know if you're interested!
Title: Day nine - Tuesday, tenth of September
| 08 Jul 2012 4:52 pm
Reviewer: Lilyflower5 (Signed)
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so are you ging to put your other stories on this site too
Please update...this story is haunting me :) I dreamed of it last night
Title: Day nine - Tuesday, tenth of September
| 23 Dec 2011 1:22 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Wonderful as ever thank you so much
Title: Day nine - Tuesday, tenth of September
| 21 Dec 2011 9:55 am
Reviewer: teddybear (Signed)
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what is happening to Draco? Please don't take to long to post the next chapter. Great writting!