Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Much Ado About Merlin 06 Jul 2011 1:47 pm
Reviewer: CheyRainAwesomeness (Signed) [Report This]
    Lol this is good and I like it. I bet it shocked them both when they found out about being related.

    Author's Response:

    lol thanks alot i have another story but had to post it on ff.net seeing as it's more about a girl maruader who travles through time revealing here meoires when she is sent to harry's time! and her freinds are siruis. remus, and severus! its' under my penname collinfan !


    thanks again

Title: Much Ado About Merlin 02 Jul 2011 1:17 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Very cute! A little short but it was nice to see this moment between Harry and Snape.

    The beginning of this story seemed difficult to get into at first. I don't know, maybe the sentence structure was a little too long? It was hard to read.

    But it was a cute story. Thank you for dreaming and writing about it. :)

    Author's Response: thank you! i know my wrting might be a litte um diffrent but that's what makes writers there own person! thanks again!
Title: Much Ado About Merlin 01 Jul 2011 2:03 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, that was a cute story. I'd love to read more about these two.

    Author's Response:

    thank you i love reviews almost as much as giving them! i might wrtite another story depending on time!



Title: Much Ado About Merlin 30 Jun 2011 1:29 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Cute! But is this all there is, because it seemed like it ended too abruptly. I'd like to see another chapter perhaps focusing on Severus and Harry's relationship and where Harry needs to go to find information on Merlin.

    If I were Severus, I'd tell Harry to look up British legends and read Mallory's Morte d'Arthur and several other classic works. I'm sure Hogwarts library should have such books, seeing as he's their premiere wizard. But if not, then maybe Sev could take Harry into Muggle Edinburgh and go to a public library, they're bound to have info there about who he was. I personally like Mary Stewart's novels The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, and The Last Enchantment, for a series that blends historical fiction with magic.

    Sorry Arthurian legends is one of my all time loves, I've read almost everything on the subject.

    A few small typos I noticed:
    he felt the man’s state aimed --should be stare

    when did you had --should be have

    Other than that, keep writing!

    Author's Response:

    thanks you are one of my fav. writers on here! i plan on doing another oneshot with this or a prequeal of sorts when i find the time lol! i love merlin to and arthur of course! there is a program on syfy called merlin by bbc season one and two are out and three just got done while four wil be showed in late 2012! most of my ff.net stoires are merlin thought all of the mup untill 30ish are bad becuse i did not have a beta at the time!


    thanks again for the reveiw!

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