Wow, this is really original. Great job.
Can you imagine the confusion to both Neville and Harry, or rather Harry or Neville. Wow! How confusing.
Author's Response: I know, right, I kept naming them wrong and Dreampainter had to come in and fix it. lol. I'm glad that you liked it. :). Thank you, for the review.
You know I like it - I sat across the room as you wrote it. I won't complain should you choose to do a continuation, however. Either way (*cough*write more*cough), well done.
Author's Response: Aw! *hug*. It was all your idea anyway. ;). Wouldn't exist if not for you. :)
Brilliant! That's a twist I haven't yet seen. I love the story - what a pity it's so short...
Author's Response: I plan on writing a sequel if I get enough reviews to merit. I really enjoyed writing about Harry-as-Neville. Thank you, for your comment. I'm glad that you liked it. <3
The last sentence was amazing! Oh, I was ready to cry. Augusta is so insensitive!!!!!
Author's Response: I know, right?! Augusta is just...despicable. I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. :). Thank you, for the review.