This was so heart wrenching and stirring. Thanks for the different perspective on things.
Title: The Lives We Choose
| 31 May 2020 2:14 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Aww! What a sweet follow up! This was really good. Thank you for such a great series! (~.^)
I love your stories but they would be a whole lot better if you made them longer.
Title: The Lives We Choose
| 11 Jul 2011 1:18 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely, sad and very well written thank you, please can we have more?
Author's Response: Aw. I'm glad you liked it and thank you so much for reviewing. :). I'm trying to formulate a good sequel...but I would like to write more in this universe.
Oh, this is amazing! I'm glad you did a sequal, because this was absolutely wonderful! And Agusta is being her usual self, as usual. But at least Severus is helping Neville(Harry) through it.
Author's Response: I am so glad that you liked it. :D. Thank you for the review. This made my day. :).
Title: The Lives We Choose
| 09 Jul 2011 10:15 am
Reviewer: Mero (Anonymous)
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This was a really well-written story! (though I admit, I tend to like your work in general) :). I was happy for green-eyed Neville, but I couldn't help but feel that Harry really got the short end of the stick here (again). I mean, a) he's been stuck with the Dursleys for ten years because of a mix-up, b) during this story he still seems to be basically raising himself, despite "Gran", and c) he still has tons of challenges (Voldemort, the Ministry, etc) before him that he'll have to face without a proper guardian to help him. He might not even have Sirius and Remus to count on the way he did in canon (since they wont be his "godfathers"). I'm glad though, that you had McGonagall trying to help Harry at the end, and I hope that if you do continue the stories, Snape will soften at least a little towards the Longbottoms' son, since he seemed pretty nasty toward him here, at least at the beginning.
I apologize if my comments are all about Harry Longbottom, and it seems like I'm ignoring "Neville" who's actually Lily&James' son. I guess I'm thinking of Harry Longbottom as the "real" Harry, since he's the one who grew up the way canon-Harry did, and who'll likely face the same terrifying fate as canon-Harry, even if he doesn't have green eyes and couldn't play Quidditch to save his life. Again, I really did like your story (and writing style); maybe I just have a too-soft spot for the boy-who-lived. ;)
Author's Response: omg. best review ever! Thank you. SQUEE. <3 <3. I'm glad you liked it.
This is reeeeally confusing. More detailed character development and such would be good. I keep having to think of Neville as Harry and vice versa.
Author's Response: Erm. That's kinda the whole point of "switched at birth". lol. Thank you for the review. :).
Bravo, Ebbs. You do realize there is at least one person who is going to keep prodding you into writing more in this universe, right?
... pretty please? I'll even beta for you.
I love it and think that there is much more that can be shown in this world should you choose to do so. Either way, well done!
Author's Response: I would not be entirely unwilling to possibly write more maybe in the future. ;). Thanks.
Title: The Lives We Choose
| 08 Jul 2011 9:05 am
Reviewer: Shadow (Anonymous)
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Very nice sequel =o)
Author's Response: Aw! Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it. :)