So cute! Quite possibly the sweetest, most adorable story I've read. Love it!
I loved the dialogue about their mums. Wow, brilliant!
Title: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
| 27 Jul 2011 12:13 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed)
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You made me get teaty-eyed with this chapter. Harry is being so sweet to little Sevvy.
Hopefully Sirius will.start to see how innocent Sevvy is and stop treating him like Snape. Not that I think it'll happen anytime soon, but still. :-(
I'm so glad that Harry's there to talk some sense into Sirius, otherwise I would be seriously worried about leaving Sev with him. The kid's been through enough without Sirius attacking him.
It's strange that Sirius thinks Snape got off free with what he had done and is still doing for the Order. Does he think it's easy for Snape to go back to a man he hates and pretend to enjoy doing things for the sicko? Does he really think Snape doesn't blame himself for Lily's death? That he's not in torment every day for it?
I felt so bad for Sev, having those horrible dreams! Maybe Sirius could see him like that, in the throes of a nightmare, and then he would realize the kid never had it easy, not ever.
I'm loving this story! I particularly like your Harry - he's very mature and understanding. I'm glad he gave his godfather a talking-to; Sirius really needs to grow up and take responsibility. Looking forward to more of little Sevvy's adventures!
Good job Harry! I realize that Sirius really didn't have a chance to mature before the attack, but I'm glad that he might be starting to see that his actions are not acceptable. Even Harry realizes that as young as he is.
Being taken to task by a child might help him start to see how different Sevvy is from Snape.
Great job. Glad to see you here. You were certainly busy last night!! I wish that "I" could write that fast.
Can't wait to see the next chapter.
I want to take Sevvy home and just snuggle him! He's adorable! I love how sweet he is and yet you can tell he's been hurt in the past.
Harry's doing a great job with him, but I'm afraid Sirius will undo all that and scare Sevvy. In that case if Remus doesn't come and kick his ass for it then I'll transport myself into the story and do it for him!
I loved the part with the chocolate frogs too that was really cute!