i wonder how Ron and Hermione will react.
I really want to like this story, but Harry is just... Really, really OOC. Some of the stuff he's doing is stuff just comes off as sickly-sweet if anyone other than somebody's mum is doing it.
Title: Egyptian Rat Screw
| 29 Jan 2013 4:29 pm
Reviewer: my_patronus_is_a_dinosaur (Anonymous)
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OH WOW - this is possibly the CUTEST little Sevvy story EVER! I seriously hope you continue this story - I love it! Great job describing emotions, excellent dialogue - fantastic character development - SUPER GREAT JOB!
Aww. Little Severus is so cute. Even if Sirius can't accept him, he's got Harry on his side now.
I really like the premise, and that Albus is really worried about Severus. But I have to say that I really felt it out of character for Professor McGonogall to swear so much. If she must use an expletive, I'd think that it would feel more like the books if she used the ones that are used in the novels.
I will say that I like seeing a de-aged Severus who apparently doesn't have his adult memories. This looks like a fresh start for Severus, where he can hopefully grow up this time to be a less bitter and angry person.
I am going to dive into the next chapter now, because I'm really looking forward to where you are going with this. :)
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Aww, that was really cute! But that card game sounds complicated, then again Sev is a genius.
I agree with Harry, there should be a way to help Severus when he changes back so he's not forced to bear all the burdens of a spy alone. Dumbledore should allow Severus to leave if he wants and to not make him feel guilty about it. Everyone needs a break or else Severus will crack.
As for Sev not remembering what happened while he was deaged, Harry needs to put the memories of him and Severus in a Pensieve so Severus can view them just in case he loses them when he's changed back.
Harry should also realize that Severus was half-starved during his childhood and know that he can't handle normal amounts of food. Just like Harry probably couldn't when he got to school.
Aww, cute! I can't wait for the next chapter to see how Ron and Hermione react. Poor Harry. He must feel pretty upset. I'd hate for something like that to happen to me.
Title: Egyptian Rat Screw
| 25 Mar 2012 4:46 pm
Reviewer: Sita Z (Signed)
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Yay, an update! I love this story, and was excited to see a new installment. Great chapter, I really liked how Harry stuck up for his brother. It's true, the Order and Dumbledore seem to find it very easy to discount Snape's feelings. Looking forward to more!