Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Hut of No Return
Title: Vernon Takes Charge 28 Mar 2017 1:48 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Very funny I love Vernon shooting the Owls although I like owls and don't want owls shot

    Author's Response: The shotgun just BEGGED to be used! Thanks for the review! 😊
Title: The Most Important Wish 28 Mar 2017 1:38 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely chapter thank you

    Author's Response: Thanks! I really wanted Harry's birthday to be special, in spite of the Dursleys. 😉 Thanks for the review!
Title: A Lovely Start 28 Mar 2017 1:32 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great start, poor Severus I agree with his assessment of the situation thank you

    Author's Response: Wow! Sorry to be so late responding! Yep, Severus is going to have an adventure! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Title: Into the Dungeons 22 Jul 2016 11:13 am
Reviewer: yokishko (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm torn between being sympathetic and appalled every time I remember Harry begging the hat to be placed anywhere but Slytherin... It might just be my disdain over people who forsake their individuality, but I still think that Harry should have just let the hat choose his house instead of internalizing other people's bias.

    Author's Response: I can certainly see your point, but I would argue that even adults have difficulty at times being pigeon-holed, and Harry is only a child. The entire magical world is a new experience, which he is not completely comfortable with, despite his awe at seeing magic performed, so Harry is struggling to maintain his personal sense of individuality, instead of blindly allowing the Hat to impose a new identity upon him. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Title: Into the Dungeons 22 May 2016 12:09 pm
Reviewer: lilyflower101 (Signed) [Report This]
    I wonder how Snape will react to the flying lesson.

    Author's Response: Hmm... Probably sneer, outwardly at least, to keep up appearances! Thanks for reading and reviewing! 😊
Title: Into the Dungeons 14 Nov 2015 10:03 am
Reviewer: KatieWho (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Don't tell me this it where it ends? This was brilliant! Really! Amazing!
    I could really imagine Harry and Snape that way and it was just...awesome! I so hope I'll find a sequel to this!
    Ha! Bloody brilliant. :D

    All the best. :)

    Author's Response: Sorry to disappoint, but I wrote this as a stand-alone, so no sequel is in the works. But thank you so much for your compliments, and many thanks for reading and reviewing! 😊
Title: Into the Dungeons 20 Sep 2015 2:13 am
Reviewer: KerrAvonsen (Signed) [Report This]
    That was greatly enjoyable. I loved Harry, I loved Snape (able to go from neutral to menacing in one second flat...), I loved how Harry was able to improvise on the Hut, how he kept trying through his bouts of despair, the adorable way that Harry reacts to the Wizarding world...

    Any chance of a sequel?

    Author's Response: Lots of people have asked about a sequel, but I don't have one planned for tho story. But never say never... Thanks for your lovely review! 🎆
Title: Into the Dungeons 15 Jun 2015 10:15 am
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    I really liked this.

    Author's Response: Many many thanks!!! I truly enjoyed working on this story, and I'm so pleased you liked it. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing! 😊
Title: Into the Dungeons 08 May 2015 12:13 pm
Reviewer: Lara (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I read this before.I can't remember if I reviewed it or not but if not,sorry! It's so awesome! I want whatever Harry is on it seems like he was on a constant sugar high! The distill water parts in the hut were absolute genius! A pleasure to read again,thank you!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for the reread and the review! Trust me, a lot of brainstorming went into the distilling scenes! But Harru is a bright kid, and I knew we could figure it out. 😉




Title: Into the Dungeons 16 Nov 2014 12:32 pm
Reviewer: GuiltyFicReader (Signed) [Report This]
    Really enjoyed the entire story I thought the 2 main characters had good characterisation, with Severus' particularly convincing based on your AU. Lots of Harry's internal monologue, reactions to magic, convoluted logic and how he talks to the adults is hilarious, and the plot made sense. I thought Hermione's characterisation was too harsh though, as I doubt she would be so enthusiastic (pushy) when Harry was giving the right answers and not looking for her help.
    I liked the ending, sentimental and simple, just as Snape's statement was.

    Author's Response: Well, this is AU, so Hermione could be a little "more" than in canon, but at least Harry was able to answer correctly this time. I really loved your detailed feedback -- one of the best responses I've gotten on any of my stories! :-) // It's been a while since I last read through Hut, but you brought back some memories that made me smile, particularly regarding Harry's reaction to magic as well as his conversations with the adult characters (particularly the magical ones). Thank you so much for your review!

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