Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Hut of No Return
Title: Into the Dungeons 15 Mar 2014 4:31 pm
Reviewer: mysinger (Signed) [Report This]
    Fantastic story! I was sorry to see it end.

    Author's Response: Many many thanks! They do say to leave the audience wanting more, so maybe the story ended at the right moment! Hee! But thank you for reading and reviewing, and I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! :-D
Title: Into the Dungeons 13 Dec 2013 11:03 pm
Reviewer: LtsHrIt4ThBoyz (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderfully original storyline!

    Author's Response: Hi, there! Welcome to P&S! I just had to click on your penname to see who you were, & saw you'd just joined yesterday. Then I laughed at seeing myself in your bio description-- I lurked for about 3 years as I practiced writing & writing & writing... FINALLY got a story on this site & have been happily writing ever since! Don't give up-- if necessary, dream big while writing "small", and don't be afraid of posting a one-shot! Anyway, many thanks for reading "Hut" and taking the time to leave a review! So glad you enjoyed it! :-)
Title: Into the Dungeons 23 Oct 2013 11:58 pm
Reviewer: Kel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I've been looking for this story for AGES!!! I read it once before, and now that I've finally found it again, I can't believe how much of it I'd forgotten. I LOVE it!

    Author's Response: I'm so glad you found it at last! And that you reread it! Believe it or not, every now and then I'll reread one of my own stories a year or two later, and it always amazes me how much I've forgotten -- and I WROTE it! Hee! Thank you so much for taking the time to review, and for letting me know how much you loved "Hut"! :-)
Title: Into the Dungeons 12 May 2013 5:13 pm
Reviewer: Johanni93 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my God! I came across this story today and had to read it in one go due to its sheer brilliance!!! Ugh,I should have actually studiedfor my upcoming chemistry test instead... oh well, I'll just have to study more tomorrow *sighing and trying to fight the urge to bang my head against a hard surface*
    I would love to read more and I'm sure I'm not the only one... *puppy dog eyes* You wouldn't perhaps change your mind and do a sequel? I'd certainly love it as much as this story! :D

    Author's Response: Hi! I always love hearing from a new fan! And your enthusiasm just about blew my socks off!!! You say you read this in one go? -- *fans self, knowing story is just over 42,000 words long...* Whew! Wow! Well, no, sorry to disappoint you (and everyone else who's inquired), but I still don't have a sequel planned for "Hut". Never say never, but don't hold your breath-- I don't want my readers' faces turning purple! I have several other stories that are WIP, and I would like to concentrate on getting them finished so I can post them. If the Muse ever clonks me over the head with an idea for a sequel, I might continue this story, but it really was intended to be a stand-alone. Thank you, though, MANY times for taking the time to review, and for writing such a lovely review!!! *passes puppy biscuits* (Ever read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"? Hee! It was in my high school literature anthology, and your comment made it pop into my mind! ;-) *giggles*)
Title: Into the Dungeons 29 Mar 2013 3:09 pm
Reviewer: my_patronus_is_a_dinosaur (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Totally lovely! I wish it continued on and on and on to see Harry become a Potions Master! Very well done! I love your smart and resourceful Harry!

    Author's Response: I love your pen name!! ;-) Actually, I never intended to take this story farther than Harry's first day at school, but many thanks for your lovely compliments! And yes, Harry was incredibly resourceful, but you wouldn't believe how much pre-thinking and RE-thinking I had to do in order to get all of Harry's resource materials in place to begin with! Thank you so much for reading and also for reviewing! I truly appreciate it, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! :-D
Title: Into the Dungeons 05 Mar 2013 4:27 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    Heh, I like it. Kudos on a job well done. A side note, which is a little pet peeve of mine: Ravenclaw's Coat of Arms is a hawk, not a raven, despite the name. Other than that, it was quite an enjoyable story, which I managed to finish in a single day.

    Author's Response: Many thanks! And I stand corrected about the raven... I really do appreciate it that you brought that detail to my attention. Another reader noted that I got the Ravenclaw colors wrong. (I'll admit the memory of blue & white from the films was what I went by! The reader said the colors were actually blue & bronze.) And I'm a self-declared Ravenclaw-- egad! *looks furtively over shoulder to see if the Sorting Hat is coming to do a re-sorting...* So glad you enjoyed "Hut", and thank you immensely for taking the time to leave a review! :-)
Title: Into the Dungeons 14 Jan 2013 5:06 pm
Reviewer: Bellixies (Signed) [Report This]
    awwww i LOVED it!!
    it was great =) and it made me happy.

    thank you

    Author's Response: So glad you loved it! :-) And I really appreciate your taking the time to review "Hut" -- what a TREAT to see a review on a story I wrote almost 2 years ago! You gave me a warm & fuzzy feeling on a cold, wet winter day! Thank you so much! :-D
Title: Into the Dungeons 08 Dec 2012 1:40 pm
Reviewer: Zaiferz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    AWWWWWWWWWWW XD he's a big softy...under all that...git lmao

    Author's Response: Ain't it the truth! Glad you got a kick out of reading "Hut"! And many thanks for taking the time to leave a review! :-)
Title: Into the Dungeons 27 May 2012 12:32 pm
Reviewer: watercrystals (Signed) [Report This]
    I just finished reading all ten chapters and I am very impressed with the story you have told. The originality and characterisation only added to the excellent story-telling and I really enjoyed reading this fic.

    I think the way you wrote Harry was excellent. It's more how I pictured him to be and I really enjoyed every moment of this story. I was astounded when Vernon actually shot Hagrid, and I shared Harry's sadness with the one owl Vernon did hit. The suspense with Vernon aiming the gun at Harry, and wondering if Harry would send his message with an owl before Severus found him...well, it was very intriguing.

    I am not sure exactly what to say, as this entire story was simply a wonderful read and I enjoyed it a great deal. I imagine you're being pestered for a sequal, and I too would agree, however even if you don't decide to bless us with a continuation, I think you've still done a great job. I thought it wasn't complete, when I reached the end of chapter ten...it didn't feel like an ending and I wished there was more.

    Even so, thank you for sharing this because I am so glad I came across it. I love this story and the way you wrote it was so refreshing. Thanks! My favourite parts where the whole "turning salt water into sea water", the fact Harry saw Snape in the papers before he met him and decided he would be his favourite teacher, the way the Dursleys were punished through karma rather than an unrealistic means from Severus, and the fact Harry aimed his mother's wand at Snape rather than elsewhere. I really loved the humour as well! Anyway, keep up the awesome writing!

    Author's Response: Hi! Sorry for the delay-- I do try to respond to each and every one of my reviewers because I value the fact that they actually take the time to tell me what they think of my stories! I just hadn't expected a new review on an older story! // I had not intended to write a sequel, but I left this story open-ended, just in case... And YES-- poor Hagrid! I think that must have been the most shocking moment, but Vernon DID have the shotgun, and I couldn't actually let our fave half-giant die, after all! // I appreciate the comment you made about originality-- it's hard to think what HASN'T been done in HP fics, but it feels good to have someone tell me that I hit on a new and original angle. // Absolutely, one of my fave things was the pic of Snape in the Prophet-- I loved giving Harry the opportunity to build up an admiration before Snape could have a chance to cut him down, as he'd originally intended. By the time they met, they were each willing to interact positively! Thanks for reading & reviewing!
Title: Into the Dungeons 18 Sep 2011 8:50 pm
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    Rating: 10

    Author's Response: Thanks!

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