Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Hut of No Return
Title: Into the Dungeons 26 Jul 2011 8:08 pm
Reviewer: hawkswench (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent story.

    Author's Response: Yayyy!!! Another happy reader! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review!
Title: Wizarding Rescue 26 Jul 2011 7:26 pm
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I am loving this story. The chicken broth should not have just appeared out of thin air, as it goes against Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. Hermione explains that in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

    Author's Response:

    Excellent observation on your part, but I actually WASN'T having the broth appear out of thin air! (Although it certainly may have looked like that to Harry...)

     My logic went like this:

     Dumbledore did not transfigure the broth from nothing; instead, he CONJURED it directly from the Hogwarts kitchens-- the broth was already "pre-existing", as it were. I'd thought that the goblet itself would lend a clue, since everything that Dumbledore provided was conjured from Hogwarts-- bowl, broth, goblet of water, table and spoon. (Forgot to have him conjure a napkin for Harry!)

    I do realize that "distance matters in magic", but this is Dumbledore we're talking about. The man conjured a chintz armchair during Harry's hearing before the Wizengamot (sp?) in OotP. Where did the chair come from? Presumably Hogwarts, all the way in the north of Scotland. London is in the south of England. Dumbledore has been described as the most powerful wizard of the age, so if he can manage to conjure an armchair all the way from Hogwarts to the Ministry, surely he could manage to conjure a bowl of chicken broth from Hogwarts to the Hut. (The location of the Rock is nebulous, but I imagine it to be a bit closer to Hogwarts than the Ministry.) That makes more sense to me than the idea that Dumbledore would have a ready supply of floral chintz armchairs stashed every so many miles around the Kingdom in order to be able to conjure the nearest chair in case of need! (I'm being serious, not facetious! Honestly! :-)  )

    As for the broth, it has been established that food is available in the Hogwarts kitchens 24/7; and the elves can quickly prepare additional food to order, if necessary. I would extrapolate a bit and believe that certain foods might actually be kept in stasis to be INSTANTLY available, in case of emergency. Given that chicken broth (and, alternatively, beef broth) are commonly administered to people who have gone for an extended period of time without eating, before they start back on solid foods, it would make sense that hot chicken broth would be one of the foods kept in stasis, and therefore available for Dumbledore to conjure to the Hut.

     That was my premise for having him conjure the chicken broth, but it would have completely thrown the progression of the plot awry for Dumbledore to explain all that to Harry, whose eyes were already popping with shock!

    Hope that helps clear up the matter for you, as to my way of thinking, but thank you for pointing out what COULD have been an error, if I'd not understood the principles of Gamp's Law.

    Oh, shucky-darn-- I completely forgot to have Dumbledore vanish the conjured table!!! Egad!!

    Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to review!!!  :-D

Title: Potions by Penlight 26 Jul 2011 6:35 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    *wipes tear* Poor Harry. I'm glad he heard directly from Snape as to how things had to be, but it didn't make it any less painful to read.

    Yay! Hagrid is better! You did a good job on his accent by the way.

    Author's Response:

    Hee! Hagrid's accent is tough to write! I always have to go back several times to delete parts of words and put in appropriate apostrophes! And I still found one "to" that I neglected to change to "t'"-- hee!

    Well, I had to have Snape give him SOME sort of explanation-- and Harry's intelligent enough to understand in part why their relationship can't be common knowledge. I really wasn't sure how much info to give Harry at this point; I figured less is more-- he'll learn more context with every year, and if he has questions, he can always ask Snape himself. (Whether the man decides to answer, well, that's anyone's guess! I'm not planning a sequel!)

    Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Title: The Sorting 26 Jul 2011 5:46 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    I really liked how excited Harry was to see each and every new thing around him. Especially meeting the Heads of Houses.

    Snape was trying to influence Harry into his house wasn't he? LOL Perfect Slytherin thing to do. Loved the Wizard of Oz reference, especially since it went right over Minerva's head. :-D

    Harry's reasoning behind going to Gryffindor was totally understandable with the reasons he gave the hat. I liked that he didn't go into the sorting thinking that all Slytherins were evil. Since he hasn't met Draco or Ron yet he didn't have their actions guiding him but was able to rely solely on his own conceptions of how things are.

    Author's Response:

    Ah HA! THIS is one of those things that came up in my fiction writing courses in college-- I never actually thought (CONSCIOUSLY, that is!) about Snape attempting to influence Harry into Slytherin! In MY mind, Snape was defending Slytherin's reputation from being besmirched by McGonagall's summary of House qualities for Harry's understanding!

    However, one thing I've learned, the more I write: the SUBCONSCIOUS mind has a way of insinuating its own agenda into my writing, and now that you mention that, MAYBE Snape really was hoping to influence Harry toward Slytherin! I won't dispute it, although I never intended it! Harry was always destined for Gryffindor, just like in canon, even though he does possess Slytherin qualities. When I read what you wrote, I had to LOL!!!

    And yes, I really had to come up with reasons for Harry to decide independently that he needed to be in Gryffindor-- or, at the very least, NOT to be in Slytherin!

Title: Into the Dungeons 26 Jul 2011 5:07 pm
Reviewer: blue_Eyre (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was an awesome story. I hope you consider continuing it.

    Author's Response:

    Many thanks for the compliment! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it!

    As for continuing it, I hate to disappoint you by saying that I never intended for it to go beyond Harry's first Potions class. My main goal was to have Snape rescue him from the Hut, during which time Snape would see that real-life Harry was far different from Snape's preconceptions of James Potter's son. Mission accomplished! I won't say "never" to a sequel, but I don't see it as likely. I have other WIP's, and I'd like to finish some of them in the immediate future.

    Thanks again for reading and taking the time to review it!  :-)

Title: Kettles and Bottles and Owls-Oh, My! 26 Jul 2011 4:37 pm
Reviewer: relative1983 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love this story! hope you will write more stories.

    Author's Response:

    So glad you're enjoying the story!

    And I do have several other stories on P&S (just click on my penname), if you're not opposed to reading one-shots. (I don't understand why so many people don't count them as stories-- back in the day, single chapter stories were called "short stories"! Multi-chaptered stories were called "books"! Hee!)

    "Hut" is the longest piece I've ever written and FINISHED, so I'm really excited that readers like you are telling me how much you love it! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!



Title: Wizarding Rescue 26 Jul 2011 3:21 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    YAY! I love it!

    I really enjoyed watching the changes in Snape's perceptions of Harry in each of yoir paragraphs. You managed to show them so poingantly tjat I was alternately laughing, cheering and getting choked up. Sometimes at the same time.

    And how wonderful that it was Harry's accidental magic that has kept Hagrid alive.

    If there was a higher rating than 10 I'd give it for this chapter!

    Oh yeah, and sorry for the gross misspellings in my previous reviews. My fingers don't want to go where I want them sometimes on this little keyboard. *blushes*

    Author's Response: WOW!!! Higher than a 10!!! Thank you so much!!! All I can say is that inspiration was really HIGH the day I wrote this! I just went with the flow, hoping that Harry's enthusiasm would win Snape over in the end, and it looks like it worked! I mean, how could the snarky old Potions Master resist Harry's open admiration?! Of course, after meeting the Dursleys, Snape had a much more open mind where Harry was concerned, but the kid's got such a winning way about him!
Title: Kettles and Bottles and Owls-Oh, My! 26 Jul 2011 1:38 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    Way to go Harry!

    You had me teary-eyed at several points during this chapter. Well done!

    I love the way that his insistance on nothimg being thrown into the sea is what's keeping him and Hagrid alive. Very well done indeed.

    Author's Response: This chapter was a challenge to write! First off, I had to establish that all the materials Harry needed to work with were available from the Dursleys' leavings. Secondly, it had to be a simple, believable set-up (not Frankenstein Potter rig!). And finally, I had to keep coming up with owl plots... I swear, sometimes I thought those owls would end up defeating ME! Glad you liked the chapter! :-)
Title: Neighborhood Watch 26 Jul 2011 12:44 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome! Absolutely awesome!

    Author's Response: Oh, YES!!! This was SUCH fun to write! Glad you enjoyed!!!
Title: Into the Dungeons 26 Jul 2011 12:41 pm
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it!

    Author's Response: Yippee!!! Another satisfied reader! Just what my heart yearns to hear! Thank you so much for telling me so! *sighs in delight* :-)

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