Title: Into the Dungeons
| 26 Jul 2011 2:37 am
Reviewer: b.nolea (Anonymous)
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Loved it!!!
Author's Response: Hey, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me so! I really appreciate it! ;-)
Author's Response: Hey, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me so! I really appreciate it! ;-)
... And then I looked and realized the story was complete and my very soul diminished in size. Still great job though! =)
Author's Response: Awww...! So sorry you're sad it's all over-- love how you phrased it, btw! But this is the longest completed story I've written; with one 2-chap exception, all my others are one-shots! I was THRILLED to actually get this finished! But cheer up-- I've got other WIP's!
I love this story! Although I was so hoping Harry would be in Slytherin. Oh well. Lol. I do hope Sev and Harry become closer soon! Good job!
Author's Response: Hi! So glad you enjoyed it! I began writing in late Feb, and I was determined to get it completely finished before posting any of it (otherwise, it might NEVER get finished!), so it's fantastic to see that my very first reviewer loved it! Makes all those hours with pen in hand SO worth it! (Yes, I did handwrite the entire story before typing it up!!!) Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review! :-D