Dumbledore really needs to examine his priorities. What good are the bloodwards when there is just as much danger to Harry within them as without if not more? At least he has some chance of defending himself and being defended among wizards. Besides, considering that LOVE is supposedly part of their strength, you would think that they might be rather weak, since Harry is clearly not loved by any of the residents. Hell, I don't doubt that Vernon would happily SELL Harry to Voldemort and his minions, if given the chance, and Petunia would support him! I am so glad that Lily made her opinion well known to Dumbledork. I hope that Severus will now have the support and backing of Minerva, as well as Poppy.
Loved it! Lily is AMAZING!
hehehehe! that was very good! I always loved Lily! i can't wait for the next chapter!
Nice story! I love the premise. I'll be waiting anxiously for your next update.
It's coming along nicely! I like the interaction so far. More please!
Title: Chapter 6
| 03 Sep 2011 4:19 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Great chapter but could you please follow writing rules and put speech by a new person on a new line? This would make your story easier to follow thank you
Author's Response: Thanks for pointing that out. For whatever reason, I sometimes do it and sometimes don't; I know that must be really irritating to read!
Title: Chapter 6
| 31 Aug 2011 10:20 pm
Reviewer: Rye (Signed)
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Yesss! thank you! Please update the next chapter soon!!!
Wonderful chapter. Thanks for the update. I love how Lily gets Sev's attention-over and over again!