Oh, man. You nearly made me cry with this! It's a good thing it was "nearly" too, because I'm at my grandmother and she would freak out if I started to cry. Anyway, this was AMAZING and I can't wait for the sequel now!!!
Oh wow. Very heartbreaking but with a little at the end of the tunnel. Please post the sequel as soon as you can. I look forward to reading more :D
Wow! Now I'm really looking forward to the sequel... because you cannot possibly be cruel enough to leave us hanging there!
I think Harry is going to need Severus just so he can learn how to handle his situation in a healthier manner. (Ironic, no?) Somehow I get the feeling no one else is going to be able to truly help the boy.
Author's Response: Epilogue is now up! Stay tuned for a sequel :) Thank you so much for reading.
Oh this fic is do good! Can't wait to read more. Poor Harry!
Author's Response: The epilogue is posted and should appear on the most recent list soon :) Thanks for reading and look out of a sequel :D
Tear-inducing, emotionally-impacting, and powerfully written. Kudos! (Defintely interested in a sequel)
Author's Response: The epilogue is now posted and should appear on the most recent list soon! Thanks so much for reading. There will definitely be a sequel, so watch this space :)
What an amazing story! This is just so good. Poor, poor little Harry! I just want to hug him! Please, please do write that sequel! I want there to be so much more of this!
Author's Response: Thanks for reading :) I've decided I WILL write a sequel, it just might take me a wee while xD
Woaw, you made me cry... U'llbe waiting to read next chapter. I like this Snape.
Author's Response: Thanks! Sorry for making your cry though D: The epilogue should be up tomorrow and then I am definitely writing a sequel.
I love the chapter and can't wait for the epilogue...
Author's Response: Thanks :) There will definitely be a sequel in the future too, so watch this space!
Poor Harry! But Snape, with his new-found understanding of Harry, will see him through. Go Sev!
Author's Response: Thanks :D The epilogue will be up tomorrow I hope!