Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 2 21 Aug 2011 10:57 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter!
Title: Chapter 2 18 Aug 2011 8:39 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no! Poor Harry. :(

    I am really worried about what she might do to herself.

    Great chappie.
Title: Chapter 1 18 Aug 2011 8:34 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Great start to your story.

    I hope that Snape can help Harry. Onto the next chapter.
Title: Chapter 2 18 Aug 2011 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Victoire (Signed) [Report This]
    I can't understand why Severus thought that he had only played with knife o_O. Maybe he talked secretly with Dumbledore and promised himself to keep an eye on Harry? Anyway, a nice story! Go on, keep up the good work ;)
Title: Chapter 2 18 Aug 2011 3:27 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    awww poor Harry Draco is such an idiot and if only harry had stuck around to hear snape, if only he knew it was an act.
Title: Chapter 2 18 Aug 2011 2:38 pm
Reviewer: cara-tanaka (Signed) [Report This]
    Love it, update soon
Title: Chapter 1 16 Aug 2011 9:41 am
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    awesome job so far harry is treadng on dangerous waters cutting i really hope someone one will put everything together soon
Title: Chapter 1 16 Aug 2011 12:37 am
Reviewer: Nightshade sydneylover150 (Signed) [Report This]
    Is Snape going to figure out what Harry was using that for? Because it might behoove him to find out. Interesting chapter, please write more!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review!

    Yes he will be suspicious but more on that in a couple of chapters.
Title: Chapter 1 15 Aug 2011 12:09 pm
Reviewer: cara-tanaka (Signed) [Report This]
    I like it. Update soon :D

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