I really like it. I'm eager to find out what happens. Good thing I came in late, huh? :)
It was fun to read, as well.
Title: Evil Toads
| 31 Aug 2011 4:26 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Great fun and what she deserves!
Awesome. They both got what they wanted, Severus showed that he wasn't out for Harry's blood literally, and perhaps they started building some in-roads to talking to each other. Just awesome!
This was fun to read. I like how it was Harry's opinion of Snape that had changed as, quite often it is the opposite. I also really liked the reward taht Severus got at the end. Well-written and a pleasure to read.
Title: Evil Toads
| 28 Aug 2011 4:45 pm
Reviewer: Rhea (Signed)
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That was really nice! I enjoyed reading it very much. Snape is just so real, and I truly believe that if Harry-in-the-book had infection because of the Blood Quill and met Snape - everything would have gone just the way you wrote. And I'm very happy for Snape - he could never get what he truely wanted, and you gifted him with a very nice and satisfying thing - DADA position) Thank you!
*chuckles softly* Loved it! Kudos on an incredibly good story.
Great ending! I love how Severus tricked Umbridge so perfectly. I felt badly for Harry at first, even though I knew it would work out, but I suppose it had to be that way. I'm glad to see Harry and Severus communicating a little better. Maybe it can be the start of a better relationship for them. And Severus gets to be the DADA professor...I'm happy for him.
Great job!