Reviews For Different, Not Defective
Author's Response: Thank you! Sorry it has taken so long to respond. I just wanted to say thanks for the review. It is so awesome to see the people love my little story.
Author's Response: Thank you.
Author's Response: Thank you.
Author's Response: Thank you. I am glad you like it.
I don't think I've ever read a story where Harry has autism. More please Author's Response: I am glad you are enjoying my story. I am doing my best to get more chapters out. :)
Author's Response: Thanks! I like Snape, too!
Author's Response: Yes! Autism != retarded. I am glad you like my story. Hogwarts will soon know the wrath of Snape when those foolish boys take things a step too far...
This also means a lot to me because I, myself have an Autism Spectrum disorder, although I am more high functioning than Harry here. However, you did capture the way I think sometimes well, especially with the literalness (Harry's interpretation is what I would have done), the blunt honesty, and the not understanding why some people just won't accept you no matter how hard you try. Keep up the excellent work! Author's Response: Thank you very much! I am glad you like my story. It's something that's been in my head for a while, and I wanted to put down on paper. I am pleased you like my version of Harry, too. I am doing my best to get more chapters down.
Author's Response: Thank you for your review! I am glad other people like my little story, and I hope to have more soon.
Author's Response: Thank you for your reviews. They are much appreciated. I am glad that you and others are enjoying this story. It is fun to write and I hope to have more soon. |
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