Reviews For Lost and Found
For example: “Your safe Harry and you are never going back there, I promise.” “Your're going to stay here with me no matter what.” Either write “Your safe Harry and you are never going back there, I promise.”Snape whispered softely. “Your're going to stay here with me no matter what.” Or combine it into one long quotation: “Your safe Harry and you are never going back there, I promise. Your're going to stay here with me no matter what.”
Just a very minor point, there were a few spelling/grammar issues (you're/your, for instance), but those are easily fixed, and didn't detract much from the story. I'd love to read a sequel to this!
Then again this review shouldnt count I'm biased lol
“Why are you outside this time of night child?” “Aren’t your parents going to be worried about you?” would just be “Why are you outside this time of night, child? Aren’t your parents going to be worried about you?” And the your in the second-to-last line should be you're - it's short for You Are. Once again, it's a really nice story, just fixing those small things makes it flow a lot better =) Author's Response: Cool thanks those are all fixed up and thanks for reading |
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