Excellent! Can't wait til the next chapter!
Author's Response: Always glad to have continuous followers review. It means a lot. Thank you!
I've really been missing this story, and I'm so glad you updated it. I love it of course
Author's Response: I'm so glad! I don't plan on leaving you guys with another hiatus like that, haha. November has been quite a busy month.
Author's Response: Thank you!!
Title: Trust and Confidence
| 02 Nov 2011 4:11 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Oh no what a cliffie please updte soon! Loved the reactions of the two to harry and how he turned away from the razor very powerful thank you
Author's Response: Planning to update tonight! Huge thanks to everyone... Your patience is greatly appreciated:)
Why do I have a feeling this is going to blow up in Harry and Sev's faces because of Ron? I just have this horrible feeling.... Prove me wrong? *sad puppy eyes*
Author's Response: ^_^
grrrr....another cliffhanger...
great chapter!
Author's Response: I know you love them! I'll make sure to include cliffhangers in ALL my chapters! <3
to not cut takes a lot as does telling others snape has defintly given him a hard task but he has done it let's just hope all of this doesn't backfire
looking forward to next chapter
Author's Response: :) Indeed it does. Thanks for reading!
Ron is so stupid. And, really, they can't be the least bit concerned that he disappeared for days? Ah. Sometimes I want to bash allthree of their heads together! Good chapter by the way....
Author's Response: Why thank you:) And I know... Ron's stubbornness drove me crazy in the books. That damned hard head of his.
Title: Almost Like Veritaserum
| 17 Oct 2011 2:55 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Very good way of dealing with teenage "experimentation!" good chapter with great insights
Still holding on to the idea that Harry is exactly like his Dad, isn't he. I guess in a way Harry hasn't really proven that he isn't, but at the same time Severus isn't really looking is he?
Looking forward to reading more!
Author's Response: Indeed. Hopefully Sev catches on before too long... :D