How long before Severus realizes he is cutting on his leg? More please?
Title: It's Personal
| 28 Sep 2011 4:20 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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I like to have harry's thoughts but would also like Severus' point of view if this was possible thank you for a good chapter
Author's Response: Patience, young padawan! Chapter six is on its way! <3
Aw... That was sad... It was an awesome chapter though!
Question, do you have any experience with self harm? Like do you do it, or know someone who does? I'm only asking beczuse, you seem to understand alot better then most people who write about it on here, nonetheless, love the story
Author's Response: Did my best to tackle this one in my Author's Note. Thanks for the compliment!
Bad Snape, he should remember that self-injurers can turn to other places in distress...:/
Love this. I love Harry pushing his friends away so they don't find out. Write more!
Title: Confrontation
| 26 Sep 2011 4:40 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you very powerful and Severus almost in character
This fic has sucked me in, and I look forward to your next update!
See Sev, his mum would be the key. Wouldn't you know, it works on both of you! Good chapter. I look forward to seeing how you contend with the struggle that is to come and provide Sour-grapes Sev to deal with the verbal abuse that is likely to come out of Harry's mouth. One knows the boy does not need someone who will bow to his words and false faces.
Please write more!
Ooh... what happens next?
Regardless of length it was another great chapter!! Can’t wait to read more.