great story! please update soon!!!
Nice chappie. And so jealous of you being in FL. haha
What about Vernon when he comes back?
Omg! You evil girl you. You write such an amazing chapter and then evil cliffie!!
OOh, you lukcy girl. Wish that I was with you. Send over a butterbeer please!
Can't wait till the next chapter.
Title: Discretion Amongst Snakes
| 30 Jan 2012 3:31 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Lovely chapter with harry and Severus and with Remus thsnk you
Ohh, this story is so sad! You portray all the emotions so well and I especially love the way you write Petunia. I can't wait to read more:)
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you like Petunia, I love writing her.
Yay! awesome chappie
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
Love it as usual
Author's Response: Lol, thank you!