Things are getting interesting. Harry with a cobra as a familiar! Cool!
Lovely to wake up this morning and find an update to this story waiting in my inbox. At least Harry feels comfortable telling Severus about the voice.
this is very good. i just love how severus shut that peacock Lockhart up. he was really very annoying in the movie!
Author's Response: Oh, tell me about it (regarding Lockhart) The best part is, Severus telling someone to sit down and shut up is SO in character for him. He's pretty much the only one who can get away with it. McGonagall's the next closest, but she just tends to give dirty looks. I fully anticipate Severus hexing the idiot at some point (other than during the Dueling Club demo, which will still happen, and is coming up in the next chapter ... you just *know* Severus took a great deal of pleasure out of doing that!)
Love it can't wait for more
oh boy. this can't be good
The first and second generation of Marauders really are something to be scared of if you are on their wrong side! LOL! I loved this chapter so much. Especially when Fred and George realized just who Sirius and Remus were.
I like this version of Dobby's attempts to protect Harry better than the canon events in HP&TCoS.
I don't have time to write as much detail in this review as I normally would (darn work!), but please know that I thoroughly enjoy your storytelling, and look forward to the next installment.
Well done!
Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying the story. The Marauders are definitely a force to be scared crapless of, especially now. Not quite so much when they were kids, but definitely now. And the up and coming generation is every bit as scary. Add Severus into the equation and you've got major trouble. Dobby is going to be ... fun. And interesting. There is SO much room to maneuver, as we all saw with Dobby and Kreacher in canon!
Still loving this story! Hopefully now that Harry has a more stable homelife and a good support system, he won't feel like he needs to deal with everything himself when he starts hearing the voice.
Author's Response: No kidding, though sadly he'll still have to deal with some of it, as there's no other way to stop the bailisk except by using parsletongue (either to open the chamber or talk the thing down, you'll have to wait and see which!)
Title: James, Lily, and Summer's Beginning
| 30 Oct 2011 12:43 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed)
| [Report This]
Wow! What a fantastic beginning! I thoroughly enjoyed the first story, and I'm sure this one will surpass it. I love the Potter's wedding portrait (ad that Lily and James can move about to other pictures independently.
Thank you for Lily's conversation with Severus that concluded the chapter. **happy sniffle* I always wanted her to forgive him, and for him to forgive himself. :)
Well done!
Author's Response: *grins* Thanks for the enthusiastic response. Regarding the portrait, I sort of took Hogwarts (and canon) and ran with it, where portraits are concerned, which means that any person in a portrait can travel to any portrait in the same building as their own, and if one exists, travel to the frame of a portrait of themselves in another building (and via that portrait, have access to all other portraits in the second building). The people in the portraits seemed so ... alive ... in the books too, so that allowed me to pretty much go 'it's them, with decade-out-of-date information'. That it allowed me to give people who (in canon) really needed the closure a chance at getting that closure was just gravy.
While Lily may have forgiven Severus, I don't think he's forgiven himself, and doubt he ever truly will, but knowing for sure that she forgave him, even knowing that he'd pointed Voldie at her, has definitely taken a weight off his heart and soul.