Reviews For This World of Glass
Author's Response: Remember that it takes place in Half Blood Prince, so Dumbledore wants Harry to try to convince Slugorn to get that memory, right? I still want J.K.'s plot to be going on in the background, even if I have changed a lot, so that's why that's still happening. Thank you very much for the review. I quite agree with you on Draco probably being able to dance! Cheers!
I really liked the contrast of the scene with Albus (very nice writing wrapping that up, by the way!), and the scene with Harry. By the way, Harry - get over yourself, all of the other boys would kill to be in your place ;)!! Lovely chapter, once again a great balance of angst and humor. Looking forward to more (maybe the ball?)! Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Yes, silly Harry. I dunno though ... Romilda Vane can be terrifying. As for the ball, Christmas holidays have to come first. Thank you for the review Sita!
Author's Response: Thank you. :)
I love Harry's "moustache" and that Snape made him shave it off - he should tell Harry that the more you shave, the more you grow! And I can just see a young Sev growing a beard to tease Lucius (but then, I can't see Lucius with a moustache... and I think he has enough to do taking care of that silky blond mane of his ;) ). I also liked Sev's ruminations on Harry's and Draco's childhood and teen years, and his admission that he liked cuddling with the kids. Hehe, first-years coming for a good night story... As for my theory, I think Sev should concentrate on those lessons with Minerva... am I right?? Thanks for another lovely chapter, Whitetail! Author's Response: Glad you liked it! I thought the moustache thing was funny too. My thoughts on Lucius are that he never really could grow anything awesome, so that's why he was always clean shaven, and possibly compensated with the crazy long hair. I seriously have some family members that are in their mid forties and still can't really grow much of a beard. Moustache, yeah, beard no. I can just picture Snape growing one to tease someone though, so I'm glad you liked that. Anyways, as for your theory, I'm not going to say anything. I would really love answer your question or give you a hint, as I very much enjoy hearing theories, but I'm horrible at giving hints, as they most often either confuse the hell out of people or lead them right to the conclusion. So ... yeah. Thanks for the review Sita!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review Lady Destiny!
Author's Response: Yes, that is for sure. I appreciate the review. :)
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!
Author's Response: I'm happy someone else was amused by the book dragon!
I'm sure Harry and Draco have a hard time coping with the prospect of losing their father so soon - will Sev talk to them some more about it, and their future? Great chapter, I'm looking forward to more! Author's Response: Ah yes, it would have been fun to drag Fred and George back, but alas, they are too busy! ;) Severus will talk a little bit more about the boys' future with them. Thank you for the feedback!
Author's Response: Thanks, glad you liked it! |
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